Shopping at Goodwill- Fashion Finds

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You would think that as a frugal blogger, I should know my way around a thrift store. Not the case at all, actually {gasp!} I have always said that frugality is different for each person, each unique situation. For some, it may mean shopping a great clearance sale. For others, like my amazing pal Jen, “thrifting runs in her blood”.

Over the years, I have donated bags and bags of clothing to Goodwill. But I have never actually set foot in one until this week. I am constantly amazed and inspired by the amazing treasures Jen finds there.

Also known as the Frugal Fashionista, she challenged her readers to share their thrift store fashion finds this week. So, not wanting to be left out of the party, I decided a trip to the Goodwill was in order. I was not quite sure what to expect, but I was very excited!

My local Goodwill is huge. Of course, I have nothing to compare it to, but it seemed well organized and clean. It was bursting with clothing, shoes, and much more. It was also quite crowded! I was amazed at the number of people shopping there on a weekday afternoon. Sign of the times or just smart shoppers?

I jumped right in and began my search. There was much of digging involved, but I did come away with a few gems. Take a look at my fashion finds:

Goodwill 003This photo really does not do this sweater justice. It has a vintage feel, and a delicate weave that I adore. It is a bit shorter than I usually prefer to wear, but I do plan to layer a long black tank underneath.

Goodwill 006Another sweater, this time a wrap style, nice and long. It is an acrylic/wool blend, which is not my favorite, but for 4 bucks, I’ll gladly wear it!

Goodwill 009A scoop neck tee in a pretty color and fun crinkly fabric is a nice change from a boring old T-shirt, don’t you agree?

Goodwill 008I took Jen’s advice for buying out of season, and snatched this cute and comfy knit skirt- new with tags! I’ll pair it with a white tank and sandals this spring. Did I mention how much I love this color?

But my favorite frugal find I actually grabbed with a friend in mind. Amy, I hope you like this gorgeous Ann Taylor skirt- it’s just your size!

Goodwill 012Black, with white pinstripes and a classic A-line. I can’t wait to see how she wears it!

ann-taylor-skirtMy first attempt at shopping thrift was a great success. Each item you see pictured above cost a whopping $4.19 a piece. I am officially a convert, and will be going back for more treasures!

I cannot wait to meet Jen in person next week at Blissdom. Who knows… I just might be wearing some of my new fashion finds!

Are you a thrift store shopper?

For more frugal ways, visit Life As Mom.


  1. Julie says

    Great finds! I’d love to do more thrift store shopping. However, my body is quite hard to fit and I’m usually short on time. Until I come up with another system, I’m not able to sort through the clothing and try it on in the same visit.

  2. Kelly says

    I love to thrift store shop too. In my area, which is North Texas, our Goodwill stores have half price day every 3rd Wednesday of the month. That’s when I like to go. It’s a mad-house, but worth it if you like to find great deals. I’ve even nabbed great deals on furniture on those days!

    • Alyssa Francis says

      Kelly, I am in North Texas too, so thanks so much for the tip! I did not know about the Wednesday deal. Perhaps we will bump into each other someday! 😉

  3. Misti says

    Oh, I LOVE thrift store shopping. My kids don’t wear anything but thrift store clothes. I don’t have very good luck finding tops, but all of my pants, jeans & skirts come from thrift stores. I am able to dress in higher end clothes that seem to last longer than the ones at the big box stores for much cheaper!

  4. Estera says

    I love your finds.
    My husband is a huge goodwill fan, seriously. He or both of us go there once a week. That’s where he buys the kids pants and his pants and shirts for school. He’s a teacher.

  5. says

    You found some cute items! I have been shopping at thrift stores for my clothing for years. I have sticker shock when I look at other retail places, LOL

    • Alyssa Francis says

      “Fill flash”? This must be a photography trick I know nothing about! Off to google it, thanks so much!

  6. Aniheartsjapan says

    I LOVE goodwill. Some are better than others, but I have found one that I frequent quite often. The prices aren’t the same at all of them, which was surprising to me. I buy almost all of my husband’s work clothes at goodwill….NICE dress shirts and slacks. I only buy brand name at Goodwill and most of the shirts I buy for him would retail between $50 and $100. They are all $4.19! And I do try to go to the once a month half price days, but I have to get there when the doors open or I don’t get a basket. I buy all of us clothes there, but I also buy a lot of books, sometimes shoes, and have found NEW toys there as well. The best find I’ve come across is a $425 cashmere sweater that was $4!! Awesome!

  7. Carol says

    Great deals! I don’t always find a complete outfit each time I shop the thrift stores, but I almost always find at least one great piece to add to my wardrobe.
    .-= Carol´s last blog ..Thrifty Shoes =-.

  8. Lydia says

    I am headed to a local thrift store today. I had plans to go yesterday, but your post sealed the deal! Thanks for reassuring me that you can find cute clothes at great prices.

    P.S. — Love, love, love your blog!
    .-= Lydia´s last blog ..Cowboy Stew =-.

  9. says

    Great work! You did great for your first trip. I didn’t get into thrifting for clothes until just a few years ago. A good portion of my wardrobe is thrifted these days! I love it.

    I posted two outfits for today’s fashion show. 🙂
    .-= Kacie´s last blog ..Start saving for your CSA now =-.

  10. Missy says

    My mother raised this girl to never pay full price and to always shop thrift! I went to my favorite consignment/thrift store today and scored a Liz Claiborn sweater set AND it was 50% off so it only cost $4.00!

  11. Bethany Goff says

    You have come upon my greatest pleasure – thrift shopping! lol Seriously, that is fun for me. It’s actually what my husband and I are planning to do on our 15th anniversary! (now, how pathetic is that? lol) I love Goodwill, especially when I find something that is the half-off color for that day. Salvation Army thrift stores are also another good place to shop. And if you can shop in a nicer area, you tend to find nicer clothing. Yesterday we went to a different Salvation Army store that I heard about, and I found a nice, nearly new pair of Dockers for my growing 13 year old for $1.50! (half price colors at Salvation Army, too) I buy shoes for my kids, and myself, there, too, as you can find some very nice shoes at time for little money. I recently discovered that our outlet mall has a Goodwill, masquerading under another name – “Your Fashion Secret”. They have higher end clothing, like the best of the best of the donations, for slightly higher prices than regular Goodwill, but so new-looking you don’t mind. My 4 year old got a new-looking pair of light-up Skechers for $2. It might be worth checking to see if your outlet mall has a Goodwill hiding in it!
    .-= Bethany Goff´s last blog ..Website Changes =-.

  12. Stacy says

    I remember going to Goodwill with my Mom when I was little. I have always visited the local Goodwill store on a regular basis. You have to go often because you might miss some really good deals. We also have a thrift store that is run by the local Sheriffs Boys Ranch, you might want to check in your area and see if there is one.

  13. mary fuentes says

    I love goodwill. I have found so many goodies there lately. Last time I was there I found some brass candle holders-they are wall mounted and hold three candles. Well, I brought them home, spray painted them black and they look beautiful!!!!
    .-= mary fuentes´s last blog ..Shopping At Old Navy =-.

  14. says

    I also am not a thrift-store shopper. But our local Goodwill is really great and I have found some good stuff there recently. You’re so sweet to think of your friend and buy her that great skirt! It’s really pretty!
    .-= Rachel Boldman´s last blog ..Frugal Foot Finds =-.

    • Alyssa Francis says

      Rachel, I think I am a full-blown thrift convert now! I actually went there again last night with my whole family. What a way to spend a Saturday night, huh? *giggle*

  15. Kristin @ Making Cents Out of Life says

    We just moved back to my tiny hometown after a few years living near a big city and oh man I miss my thrift stores. I couldn’t buy a lot of my clothes there for various reasons but we bought my husband many pairs of pants nearly new so cheap. I loved buying their books because I found hard back best sellers for less than $2, and others for a quarter! We do have a Goodwill store here but it isn’t very good. I may go back and give it another shot, although in this area and since it’s small I’m not likely to find much.

    Since I know you’re such a bargain queen, how about either reposting (if you’ve done it in the past) or writing an article about your shopping process pre-thrift store days since you said you hadn’t shopped there before? I worked retail for 13 years so I’m pretty savvy at shopping sales and waiting/finding bargains but I’d love your tips on it too.

    Also wanted to thank you for sharing so much of your life with us, especially your faith. That’s what brings me here more than anything, and lately it’s been an inspiration for me to let go of some issues and start thinking about getting back into church.
    .-= Kristin @ Making Cents Out of Life´s last blog ..Hurry! Secret Switch Ends Tomorrow! =-.

  16. Beth - The Plus Size Mommy says

    I love to go to thrift stores. There are always great treasures to be discovered. There is actually a REALLY good one at a church near me that sells clothes for 15 cents ! and yes, I can sometimes find ones that are designer and with tags on! It is amazing. I can spend $20 there and come out with garbage bags full of fantastic things. I always shop for my nieces and nephews there too.
    My best find was a Bobby Jack outfit for my daughter. 30cents for the entire outfit!
    Your finds are beautiful 😉 thank you for sharing.
    .-= Beth – The Plus Size Mommy´s last blog ..Harder, Faster, Better, Stronger = #Yourshape =-.

    • Alyssa Francis says

      I am so jealous! 15 cents?! WOW. Soon you will be shopping for a whole new wardrobe there, I bet. 😉 Keep up the great work on your weight loss!

  17. Laura says

    I do so love thrift shopping- and the GoodWill store is the best! You can find so many wonderful things – name brand for nearly nothing if you know when to go and what to look for. The best days seem to be Tuesday when they put out what they received over the weekend and Friday when they are getting ready for the weekend rush! I am very picky and love the best for myself and my kids but refuse to pay full price for it. I watch for only name brands (especially for the kids) and most of the time I am able to resell it at our local kids consignment sale ( or on eBay. It is a great way to save and MAKE money. These days we need all the help we can get. By the way – this is my first visit to your site and I think it is fantastic! I have shared it with my fellow mothers at our church!

    • Alyssa Francis says

      Welcome to my blog and thanks so much for commenting!

      That is a great tip about knowing the best day to shop. I am definitely going to try shopping on Tuesdays at GW in the future! 🙂

  18. Lillie says

    Great bargains. I usually donate to the Goodwill Store but haven’t done any shopping recently. My daughter, on the other hand, is a frequent shopper and loves the bargains she gets. In fact, she and her friends make it a shopping event and rack up on the savings.
    .-= Lillie´s last blog ..Teen Credit: The good and bad that you need to know. =-.

  19. Alyssa says

    Wish I had GOOD good will stores like that around here.
    .-= Alyssa´s last blog ..Winner of the Mom-Daughter True Love Waits Guide =-.

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