Baby M has been battling a stomach virus for 2 days, and I have to say it hasn’t been all bad.
Oh, sure it’s been messy. Both M and I have changed clothes several times due to her um, bug. But, oh the baby snuggles I have been stealing! The joy I feel when she only wants me, and to be in my arms. Ah, mommy bliss!
Is it bad to be enjoying my little’s sickness just a teensy bit?
And, oh the looks!
The eyes of a child are so expressive, and I have seen a range of emotions run through M’s this week. It breaks my heart when her big eyes are pleading with me to make this virus go away. And moments later, my heart is aflutter with joy when those same eyes look up at me with complete and total trust; total reliance on me.
Stolen baby snuggles and sweet baby looks are definitely finer things, even when accompanied by puke and poop.
Photo credit: fp
Kathy@SimpleSavingsMom says
Snuggle away! Hope she is feeling better soon!
Dee says
Precious!!! Snuggle that little one right on up! I hope all feel better soon.
.-= Dee´s last blog ..Things I Love Thursday: My Husband! =-.
Kathy says
My “baby” (7 yrs) started it this morning. The snuggles are precious even when they hardly fit in your lap. And, the pleading/trusting eyes – they’re still there. Now, there are just words to accompany them. Praying yours feels better soon.
.-= Kathy´s last blog ..Wordless Wednesday: Sweet Kiss =-.
Amy Norton says
Oh, Kathy! That is so sweet! I tell my girls that my lap will always be big enough for them! Thank you for sharing… it’s nice to know that I will still be needed as they get older!
Alicia says
Oh…how sweet! My little one (2 1/2 months old) has not been sick yet (thankfully!), but I’ll be sure to treasure those snuggles when the time comes. 🙂
.-= Alicia´s last blog ..Revisiting the Declutter Challenge =-.
Amy Norton says
Awww, you have a new little one… I hope he or she stays well, but gives you lots of good snuggles anyway 🙂
Jenn @ Beautiful Calling says
Oh, baby snuggles are certainly one of the finer things in life! The snuggling period goes by so fast that when the opportunity arises, we need to take advantage 😉
.-= Jenn @ Beautiful Calling´s last blog ..Interesting Links: January Edition =-.
Audra says
Oh – you have me so excited to meet my new little one in May! I had a sweet toddler snuggle just yesterday that melted my heart. He stopped playing (16 months old) and came over for a hug – one of those MELT INTO MOMMY’S ARMS kind of hug. Ahh…. just like I had dreamed as I waited for him for 8 years!
Hope your baby is feeling better!
.-= Audra´s last blog ..Finer Things Friday – Snowed-in Family Time =-.
Amy Norton says
Audra…. that is wonderful! Congrats on your new little one!
My oldest 2 are 22 months apart, and are best friends. With your two being even closer in age, they will be inseparable! It will be kind of rough at first, but TRUST ME… it is SO worth it to have your children so close in age! You will be soooo thrilled as you watch them grow together.
I will be praying that everything goes smoothly for you! Again, congrats! And, thank you for sharing!
Shane says
I agree. It breaks my heart to see her hurting, but the snuggles are priceless!
.-= Shane´s last blog ..New site… =-.
Holly Hamann says
Hi Amy – I think its totally OK to steal snuggles and appreciate them – no matter the reason. My boys are all teenagers now and I would give ANYTHING to have a few minutes of gushy, juicy, lovey baby snuggle time. Just five minutes. Every now and then my son will come plop down on my lap or throw his arm around me and give me a bear hug. Its a hug from a young man, not a little boy and I cherish every second of it. So steal away cause they really do grow up fast!
Amy @ Finer Things says
Baby snuggles are the best! My little one came up to me today… “Mom, you not feel well? I snuggle you, make you better.” LOVE IT!
.-= Amy @ Finer Things´s last blog ..Menu Plan, Week of February 14 =-.
Amy Norton says
Awww, Amy! That is soooo sweet! I love it!