If I were honest with myself, I would title this, “This is what happens when you let your kids run around the house and pretend like you don’t hear them messing with stuff they aren’t supposed to be messing with.”
Or something along those lines.Thank goodness she’s cute, otherwise… well…
At least she’s cute.
{Oh, and when she saw the camera, she glanced at me and said, “Cheese!” and went right back to the toothbrushes and water.}
#sigh{And, for the record, the bathroom doors are normally closed. This one must have been accidentally left open.}
Linked to Friday Fails at My Blessed Life
So cute! I love those little curls! At least she didn’t empty the toothpase tube! (or did she?!) 🙂
.-= Melinda´s last blog ..This Little Piggy… =-.
@Melinda, I wish she had! I found out (the HARD way) that she cleaned my toothbrush with SOAP! Ick!
I LOVE that 🙂 I especially like the admission about pretending you don’t hear them messing with stuff they’re not supposed to be messing with. I’m *really* good and not seeing and hearing things…
.-= Vicarious Chelsea´s last blog ..Thankful Through Thursday! =-.
@Vicarious Chelsea, Oh yes. I am very good at pretending not to hear what is going on… (giggle)
Oh, but at least it is a good habit she is working on LOL.
{did you see the recall on Motrin? just checking because we use it too}
.-= Jenn @ Beautiful Calling´s last blog ..Dezign with a Z Review + Giveaway =-.
@Jenn @ Beautiful Calling, Jenn… thanks for that. I’m sure I *should* know about the recall, but I guess it slipped my mind. I’m checking right now!
@Amy Norton, My mother emailed me about it or I wouldn’t have known either LOL
.-= Jenn @ Beautiful Calling´s last blog ..The Letter I Needed to Read =-.
I love this! This is totally something that would happen to me. I often pretend I don’t hear my daughter getting into mischief. It always backfires on me. 🙂
@Amy, I know! I am so guilty of pretending not to hear… and then it backfires on me, too.
You would think I would learn. Ha!
Haha! I’ve done my share of selective hearing too. I once found my son in the toothpaste and had a little freak put over the fluoride overdose thing. Good times *sigh*.
.-= Cheryl@SomewhatCrunchy´s last blog ..Never Judge A Book By Its Cover…Or A Cake By Its Icing =-.
@Cheryl@SomewhatCrunchy, I totally worry about the toothpaste thing, too, as Meleah likes to chew on the toothpaste tubes. Ugh. (Un?)fortunately this time, she cleaned my toothbrush with SOAP.
I found out how she had cleaned it AFTER I had put the toothbrush in my mouth this morning! I was literally foaming at the mouth!
Look on the bright side, it could have been the toilet!! LOL
Amy! I love it!! If those bathroom walls could talk…Holly and I had the best sister conversations in there getting ready for school each morning =)