July 4th is truly one of my very favorite holidays.It takes a lot to make me cry, but just remembering those who have given their lives for my freedom gets me all teary-eyed.
This year’s bonus was that our Nation’s Independence was celebrated on a Sunday.
After all, Jesus gave His Life for everyone.
Very fitting, indeed.
Oh, and I do love fireworks.
But, if you had seen me as a child, you would think I hated them {I did.}. I was always afraid the fireworks were going to mess up and hurt my dad. So I watched from inside the house for years.
Even now, it makes me nervous to watch someone setting off fireworks.
Luckily, we went to a really big show, and I did not have to watch the people actually setting them off.
Obviously, the girls enjoyed them, too, as all three were asleep less than ten minutes after loading them into the truck.
Happy Day-After-the-4th, aka, July 5th.
AWWWW LOVE these pictures!!!!!!!