Locks of Love is another charity that is close to my heart.
Locks of Love is a public non-profit organization that provides hairpieces to financially disadvantaged children suffering from long-term medical hair loss from any diagnosis. LOL meets a unique need for children by using donated hair to create the highest quality hair prosthetics.
You can even help if you do not have long hair to donate by visiting their site and supporting the businesses shown there.
Most of the children helped by Locks of Love have lost their hair due to a medical condition called alopecia areata, which has no known cause or cure. The prostheses they provide helps to restore their self-esteem and their confidence, enabling them to face the world and their peers.
If you are considering donating your hair, please see LOL’s guidelines for hair donation.
Another way to help is to hold your own Locks of Love event. There are also several other ways to show your support.
Of course, the quickest and easiest way to support any charity is through financial contribution. If you choose to contribute financially to ANY institution, I would like to encourage you to find other ways to volunteer as well.
Inspire4Less is our wonderful sponsor for the second #30DayGive giveaways.
New items are added to our site daily. You’ll find great deals on Christian T-Shirts, starting at only $6.99, as well as Christian Bargain Books, Bibles and Music. John O’Dell, Jr. is the senior book, Bible and music buyer. Visit John’s blog at johnodell.wordpress.com.
Inspiring Home™ is our collection of unique Christian gifts and home decor. Maribeth O’Dell is the senior gift buyer. We shop the major gift shows in Atlanta, Dallas and Las Vegas. Our mission is to find unique and affordable gifts and home decor to inspire you. You’ll also enjoy browsing through our selection of clothing, jewelry and accessories.
One of my readers will win the Prize Pack pictured above, which includes:
Ms. Food FaceFun Bible CrosswordsRadical by David PlattChristmas CardsMug$50 Gift Card to Inspire4Less.com
Enter to win ONE (1) Inspire4Less Prize Pack as stated and pictured above:
1. Have you read Radical by David Platt? If so, leave a comment telling me what about it impacted you the most. If you have not, leave a comment telling me what about the book intrigues you the most.
(2) Bonus Entries:
2. Subscribe to Amy Loves It! updates via RSS or Email, and/or “like” Amy Loves It! on Facebook. Then come back and leave a comment stating you have done so. If you are already a subscriber (thank you!), please leave a comment letting me know.
3. Follow Inspire4Less on Twitter and/or “like” them on Facebook. Make sure you come back and leave a comment letting me know you have done so.
This giveaway will close on Sunday (10/7) at 8 pm CST. The winner will be chosen by And The Winner Is… Plugin and notified via email AFTER our team has compiled our winners to make sure there are no duplicates. This could take a few days.
Disclosure: I received the prize pack pictured above to give to the chariy(ies) of my choice. I have received no compensation for this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are mine, all mine.
Make sure you visit the other 30 Day Giving Challenge team members for more ideas, opportunities, and giveaways:
:: For the Mommas ::
:: Frugal Femina ::
:: Keeping the Kingdom First ::
:: Life. Your Way ::
:: My Blessed Life ::
:: Resourceful Mommy ::
:: Saving and Giving ::
:: The Finer Things ::
:: 4Tunate ::
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Andie @Raising {Happy} Healthy Kids´s last blog post ..Top 10 Inspirations
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Andie @Raising {Happy} Healthy Kids´s last blog post ..Top 10 Inspirations
I’ve never read Radical, it looks like a very inspiring and challenging book though. One that would take my faith to the next level!
Andie @Raising {Happy} Healthy Kids´s last blog post ..Top 10 Inspirations
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Have a great day!
Andie @Raising {Happy} Healthy Kids´s last blog post ..Top 10 Inspirations
I am reading “great expectations” I am especially loving it because the book belonged to my great Aunt.
I haven’t read the book, but I followed your link and found this description: “He challenges you to consider with an open heart how we have manipulated a God-centered gospel to fit our human-centered preferences” This sounds like something I’d be very interested in reading more about!
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Ohh, I’ve been wanting to read Radical for a while now. Heard such great things about it, would love to win it!
Leslie @ every good and perfect´s last blog post ..thirty days
I’ve not read “Radical” by D. Platt, but what sounds interesting to me is his encouragement to step out of the “comfort zone” to be a real Christian.
no I have not read it but it sounds really good
“Do you believe that Jesus is worth abandoning everything for?”
my answer is yes and that in itself makes the book look like I would really enjoy reading it
I just subscribed…
now following you on twitter @pami22
Love your site and words of wisdom. I subscribed to your site this evening.
I haven’t read the book yet.
I want to know more ” The Radical Experiment –a one-year journey in authentic discipleship that will transform how you live in a world that desperately needs the Good News Jesus came to bring”
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I have read the mini-Radical book but not the whole thing. I was inspired not to just think about what I could do but to truly do it! I’d love to read the whole thing!
Kristin S´s last blog post ..Halloween and Other Fall Fun!
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Kristin S´s last blog post ..Halloween and Other Fall Fun!
I think this will be an awesome book to challenge anyone in their faith to just come out of that comfort zone
following your feeds via email (New subscriber)
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i haven’t read it, but i read the snippet about it…
i do believe that a lot of people twist what the bible says to make it convenient for them. it would be interesting to read what he has to say about being a disciple.
email subscriber and fb liker
I have not read the book. I am intrigued to read about how to put the ideas into action in your every day life.
i love to read, not just one thing that intrigues me i love it all.
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I love to read and am always interested in books that challenge me in different ways.
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Wow. I went to the “Radical” site, downloaded the first chapter and read it…and I am blown away! I have felt the same as Mr. Platt for years, and it is nice to know I’m not alone. I thought something was wrong with me!
Bar none, the most “spiritual” experience I’ve had recently was at a funeral of a friend of mine in the hills of Eastern Kentucky. There were two men and two women sitting up front that would every once in a while, sometimes seemingly without a spot in the program, into the most haunting 4 part harmony of old hyms. I get chills even now thinking about it.
I am eager to follow Mr. Platt’s journey and to pass this knowledge along to my children and family.
LuAnn´s last blog post ..Five Question Friday 1
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LuAnn´s last blog post ..Five Question Friday 1
I think my first comment got lost. I went to the “Radical” site and downloaded the first chapter of the book. Wow…I have felt like that for some time…that the power of the Church is not in the size of the building, but in the hearts of the people.
LuAnn´s last blog post ..Five Question Friday 1
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LuAnn´s last blog post ..Five Question Friday 1
I have not yet read the book, but what intrigues me the most is how it could teach me to do everything in the name of Jesus.
I already subscribe to your blog through e-mail.
Following on twitter.
Miranda´s last blog post ..randi094- RT @GodsWordSays- Bible says- We Christians through the Spirit eagerly wait for the hope of righteousness by faith – Galatians 5-5
I haven’t read the book but really love his concept. Without Jesus we would have nothing. Life is absolutely worth abandoning for the love of my life Jesus Christ!
Apryl @ Christian Clippers´s last blog post ..Target Match Ups 11-7 to 11-13
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Apryl @ Christian Clippers´s last blog post ..Target Match Ups 11-7 to 11-13
I have read Radical and it inspired me to live more “radically” for Jesus Christ. Loved it!!!
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Always learning to live more radically for Jesus!
I’m an rss subscriber 🙂
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I’ve heard others mention Radical and thought to myself that reading the book would probably “shake up” my life. I think it would make me dig deep into what I’m really doing for the Lord versus what it appears that I’m doing.
I have not and I think I am intrigued by what his questioning of what I beleive in?!
I like you on FB! Trisha B
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i haven’t read Radical yet but it sounds like a great read. thanks sp much for introducing it through this giveaway!
I have not read the book Radical but I will have to check it out. Two books that intrigue me are Eternal Security and The Mind of Christ
I am an email subscriber.
I “LIKE” Inspire4Less on Facebook (Melissa P./Mel4Him)
I have not read the book Radical but would love to. Thanks for the giveaway.
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I’ve not read “Radical” but would like to. Sounds like what we’re learning at church on our Wednesday night group. We’re called “World Changers” and my pastor says all the time, “How can you change the world if you’re always agreeing with it?”
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I have read the book and loved it! It is so inspiring! I think it should go on every Christians must read list!
Thanks for the giveaway!
Linda @ Linda’s Lunacy
Linda @ Linda’s Lunacy´s last blog post ..The Blood is Still There
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Linda @ Linda’s Lunacy´s last blog post ..The Blood is Still There
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Linda @ Linda’s Lunacy´s last blog post ..The Blood is Still There
What intrigues me the most is “He challenges you to consider with an open heart how we have manipulated a God-centered gospel to fit our human-centered preferences. “
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