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One easy way to give this month is by donating clothing and blankets to your local women’s shelter.
A women’s shelter is a place for women to seek refuge when they have nowhere else to turn.
The local women’s shelter that I have donated to is always looking for blankets, women’s clothing (especially professional attire), and children’s clothing.
They even wanted my husband’s (who is 6’7″) clothing, because they do have older, taller boys who need clothing.
Many women’s shelters offer essential services to help residents get back on their feet quickly, such as occupational training, temporary housing and legal advice. The majority of the nation’s women’s shelters are filled with women who are fleeing domestic violence.
Before you consider donating, I would place a call to the women’s shelter in your area, and ask what they are needing right now.
My local shelter has not ever turned away anything I have brought them, but other shelters could have an overflow of a certain size, etc.
If you are in need of assistance, or know of someone who does, please contact your local resource or read How to Find a Women’s Shelter.
Ahhh glasses.
I am so glad to have them, but oh how they can be the bane of my existence at times!
I was diagnosed with nearsightedness at the tender age of 7.
I distinctly remember the moment I put on my glasses for the first time. I was amazed. I could SEE! (My parents probably wished they couldn’t see the bill.)
After I put on my new (blue) glasses, we went to Wal-mart, and to this day, I remember exactly what everything looked like. Glasses had opened a whole new world (that included nicknames… ha!) for me.
Now that I am 29, and pay for the glasses and contacts for myself and my husband, I am a bit pickier than I was at 7.
In fact, I am way passed due for an eye exam.
How many of you enjoy paying for those trendy specs you wear, plus contacts when you don’t feel like sporting those fancy specs?
Me neither.
I am pleased to introduce our third sponsor (and one that is new to me!), Just Eyewear.
Ever wonder why glasses are so expensive? It turns out, glasses don’t need to cost hundreds of dollars. Just Eyewear sells prescription glasses online for as little as $7.95 – including lenses!
Exact same quality, much better prices.
Most everyone has heard of buying contacts online, but not many realize you can buy glasses online too. Just like contacts though, you have to know what size you wear and have your prescription handy.
Easy peasy.
Two of my readers will win a $50 gift certificate to Just Eyewear, plus receive free shipping on their order.
If you are reading this post in a feed reader or via email, please click through to the post to enter.
Enter to win ONE (1) of TWO (2) $50 Gift Certificates to Just Eyewear :
1. If you won a gift certificate, for whom would you use it? Leave a comment telling me!
(2) Bonus Entries:
2. Subscribe to Amy Loves It! updates via RSS or Email, and/or “like” Amy Loves It! on Facebook. Then come back and leave a comment stating you have done so. If you are already a subscriber (thank you!), please leave a comment letting me know.
3. “Like” Just Eyewear on Facebook. Make sure you come back and leave a comment letting me know you have done so.
This giveaway will close on Wednesday (11/10) at 8 pm CST. The winner will be chosen by And The Winner Is… Plugin and notified via email AFTER our team has compiled our winners to make sure there are no duplicates. This could take a few days.
Disclosure: I received two (2) $50 gift certificates from Just Eyewear to donate to the charity(ies) of my choice. I have received no compensation for this post. As always, all thoughts and opinions are mine, all mine.
Make sure you visit the other 30 Day Giving Challenge team members for more ideas, opportunities, and giveaways:
:: Frugal Femina ::
:: Keeping the Kingdom First ::
:: Life. Your Way ::
:: My Blessed Life ::
:: Resourceful Mommy ::
:: Saving and Giving ::
:: The Finer Things ::
:: 4Tunate ::
:: For the Mommas ::
if i won, i think i would give the gift certificate to my sister. she was just complaining this weekend that she needs new glasses. (i no longer need glasses because i’ve recently had laser vision correction surgery and i love it!)
i am an email subscriber and a fb liker 😉
I could use this for myself, I have a perscription, just need to get my glasses.
Already subscribe an email subscriber and FB fan-shirley e
Like Just Eyewear on FB-shirley e
I just liked you on FB!
And just eye care!
I’d use for my nephew & myself! So excited to look into this company. Without having vision insurance, I have been putting off an eye exam … knowing that between the exam and buying the glasses would be a fortune! My presciption is long overdue and this is gonna make it all affordable!
I would use it for myself, what a treat to have a second pair:)
I like you on facebook too!
My darling daughter who is in 4th grade and wearing bi-focals. Poor muffin.
I subscribe to you with google reader
I liked Just Eyewear on facebook
My son and I both wear glasses. He needs about 3 pair per year. What a blessing this would be.
Already a subscriber
Just eyewear facebook liker
Diane rice´s last blog post ..Pumpkin Roll
I would so use this for myself. I did not get glasses the last time I went because of the cost, I just opted for Contacts. So now when I take them out, I am blind again!
I’d use the gift certificate for myself since I’m the only one in the family who wears glasses!
I subscribe to your feed and like you on FB!
I like Just Eyewear on FB!
Everyone in my family is long overdue for a new pair of glasses.
I would use it for myself because I too am WAY overdue for a new pair. Our son has a special prescription that costs a lot, so I usually just make do.
I would give this to my wonderful husband of eighteen years (we met 32 years ago in church youth group!) who desperately needs new glasses
I subscribe to amylovesit via email
This would be for my daughter, she could use a new pair of specs!
I’m a follower, I receive your blog via email.
I would probably use the gift certificate for my daughter who is nearsighted.Thanks for the giveaway!
I like you on facebook!
I subscribe to your email feed.
amy, for some reason my 1st comment didn’t post yesterday. i figured you would have caught it, but i don’t see it today when i’m looking. what i wrote was that i would give the gift to my sister, probably as she was complaining this weekend that she needs new glasses. thanks!! 🙂
If I were to win this giveaway it would be such a blessing. My husband and I both wear glasses and it is about that time for us to have to buy them.
I am an email and Facebook fan 🙂
I like just eyewear on FB.
I would use the gift certificates for my husband and myself. It is about that time to buy new glasses :-s Thanks for giving us another option!
If I won a gift certificate, I would be using it to get new glasses for myself, which are long overdue, having passed the 40 mark and the eye changes that accompanied it! So thankful for this giveaway!
I am now following you on FB.
I also like Just Eyewear on FB
It looks like my first post didn’t show up. ?? So here goes again! If the first one mysteriously appears later, please remove my duplicate post!
I would use the certificate to get glasses for myself, since I am in need of a new prescription. Thanks so much for this giveaway!
I would give it to my mother
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
Tabathia B´s last blog post ..What I thought about Love in the Afternoon by Lisa Kleypas
like just eyewear on fb (michelle b)
tbarrettno1 at gmail dot com
i would use it for myself
i like you on FB
i like just eyewear on FB
My mom and mother in law need glasses so I would like to use the GC for them.
I like Just Eyewear on FB.
I follow you via RSS.
My mom and mother in law need glasses so I would use the GC for them.