I’m not sure I actually gave anything every day except for prayer. There was lots of prayer going on over here.
I started out the month with high expectations and lofty goals.
Not for myself, of course, but for others.
I wanted to introduce you to different charities and give ideas of giving opportunities at least 5 times a week.
That, obviously, did not happen.
At the end of the second week of November, a tragedy hit our little town, with an accident taking the life of a young girl and injuring several others. Two children were care-flighted out, and one was in very severe condition.
My blog stopped, as did much of what was going on in my life.
“Things” were pushed aside, as everyone held on a little tighter to their children.
Deadlines were missed, schedules were re-arranged or simply put on hold as our little community banded together to do what we could.
And things got better. One little girl came home the day after she was flown to the hospital.
The other little girl also came home MUCH sooner than expected.
Prayers were answered in many, many ways.
In the midst of all of this, we were called to the bedside of my husband’s sweet great-grandmother. Her time was coming soon.
A dear man I have known all of my life also left us for Heaven that day, and a few short days later, “Mom” (as we called her) joined him.
As my husband prepared the funeral of his dear great-grandmother, I began to sit back in wonder at all that had happened.
Little did I know, the storm was nowhere near over.
We received news the Monday before Thanksgiving that one of our core students, a 13-year-old boy, had cancer.
Aggressive cancer.
And he was in the hospital preparing to start chemotherapy.
The next day, we received a text. The pastor at my beloved former church was about to lose his wife. She had been battling cancer and she had fought a hard fight. She left this world the morning of Thanksgiving.
My heart is heavy, but I know our burdens can become light if we let the Lord take them.
This year’s giving challenge for me was a blessing, as it put me in the middle of 9 beautiful, faithful, giving ladies who dropped everything when I asked them to pray.
Ladies who didn’t bat an eye when my posts went up late, or submitted my winners information last.
As I sit here, on the verge of tears {again… ugh, I hate crying!}, trying to soak up this last month, I see how it worked out in a way I never expected.
Our family, our friends, our little town needed the prayer of these ladies. Had we not been doing this Giving Challenge, we would not have been connected in this way.
If I have learned anything this last month, it is that prayer is the answer, and if we need prayer, we should not hesitate to ask for it.
I started out this Giving Challenge with my mind set on giving as much as I could to others, whether it be through monetary support, things needed, or just raising awareness.
I ended this Giving Challenge feeling more loved than ever… and so very, very blessed.
As a final note, I have been able to give away some of the items from our Challenge to families, our church, and I’m boxing up quite a bit to take to the local Girl’s Home. It is a joy to give to others.
I ask only two things of you, my friends.
One, that you would hold your children a little closer and thank God for their health.
And, two, please, please lift this family up in prayer.
I’m sorry to hear your month was so hard. Your prayers are a greater gift than anything else you could have provided and all prayer is a gift. I’m so glad to hear that the other leaders in the 30 day giving project held you up in a time of crisis and where able to give to you what you needed. You all lived the project and that is a wonderful example to all of us who where following along with you.
I’ll pray that your heart is made lighter and you’re given some peace in the holiday season. I’ve already prayed for the family you’ve requested.
Blessings and peace to you and your family.
Becky´s last blog post ..The countdown begins…
Thank you, Becky!
God has a wonderful way of “connecting” us to the people we need to be connected with when we need to be.
Everyone “connected” is in my prayers!
Carmen´s last blog post ..cypva- AWalkInMyShoes twitter party coming Friday Cant wait!
I love you Amy. I’m so so blessed to know you and to have journeyed the last 30 days with you. I think that’s what God’s done in our hearts this month…He’s shown us how blessed we are.
Truly it is more blessed to give (even in prayer) than to receive.
I read this feeling so proud to call you one of my dearest friends. I wish I had been able to love on you through this last month. But I know God surrounded you with all the support you needed. Love you! And really, really, really – REALLY – miss you!
I love you, too, my sweet friend. Thank you for everything. I super-duper miss you, too!
Thank you so much for sharing Amy! After reading this and reading that Alyssa, too, had a tough month, I know you all are on the right track. Spiritual warfare comes in the midst of godliness. I am so thankful that God has provided you with the support you need during this time, strengthened bonds between friends and allowed me to glimpse just a small portion of it. I am praying right now!
Amanda´s last blog post ..30-Day Giving Challenge Recap 30dayGive
Thanks, Amanda! I kept up with you throughout the challenge, and you were truly an inspiration to me!
I’m praying for you, Amy. And for the family you mentioned. Hugs!
Thank you so much, Jennifer