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It’s been a l.o.n.g. three weeks here.
It all began when my sweet, adorable 2-year-old spilled water onto my laptop keyboard, rendering it useless. Fortunately, the keyboard was the only part that was injured.
My husband called Dell for me, as I was unable to speak without crying for a few days, and they said they would ship one out (not Express, of course, as they “don’t do that.”). I was to receive the keyboard on January 13th.
A few days later, Shane received an email telling us that the keyboard would be delayed until the 18th. My husband called, and never (of course) received a straight answer as to why or when or pretty much anything.
Again, a few days later, we received an email saying it would be delivered on the 21st.
It is officially the 26th, and guess what? Still no keyboard.
I’ve been debating about starting an #IhateDell hashtag, but I haven’t had access to my computer very much, so that has been put on the back burner.
In the midst of all of this, I have had blog issues. As in, the kind where the blog is not there. As in, no one can see my blog.
Fortunately, that is all fixed now. And, I have been able to borrow my mother-in-law’s USB keyboard for the times I need to work.
As for Dell, right now my keyboard should be here tomorrow.
I’m at the point that I figure Hell is going to freeze over before I receive a new keyboard. I’m already saving for a Mac.
On the bright side of this, I am caught up on my laundry (I’ve been behind for, oh, 3 months or so), and the clean laundry is no longer piled on the couch in my bedroom.
My house is almost completely happy and organized, save for our bathroom cabinet and the garage (will be tackled when it is warmer!).
Our homeschooling is going very well (except for 4 days when I could not speak thanks to a nice, icky cough). Abby Grace is reading like a champ and Reese is doing wonderfully with her letters and writing. Even Meleah is a happy, willing participant.
And, I have several updates on our journey to more natural living that I am soooo ready to share with you!
So, if you have stuck with me these last few weeks of no posts and no blog, I thank you… and stay tuned!
Oh dear, that’s awful! At least you got a lot accomplished.
Hey Keri!
Yeah, that’s what I was thinking… at least I got a lot accomplished 😀
Thanks for commenting!
Evidently Dell is really really bad about that. For some reason (it must have been for some kind of freebie or something), I “liked” Dell on Facebook and there is always, ALWAYS people fussing about their computers—brand new ones—that don’t work anymore or about the horrible customer service. I have never had a Dell, I have a Toshiba and it works fine. Dell was out of my price range, lol, and I’m glad since they are so difficult. They really need to get better help, I think they aren’t concerned with anything but sales, no service.
Ugh! Well, I have to say that DOES make me feel better… that I’m not alone, but super mad, too. Lol. This is the last Dell for me! I’ve never had an issue with their computers (guess I’ve been lucky), and never had to call CS about anything. Blah. Thanks, Rebecca 🙂
I need to offer my two cents, and let you know something that bothered me about this post. Take it or leave it, and just know this is my opinion and reaction. I would ask that you please be mindful of bashing on a good American company like Dell. Your blog is public, and one keyboard issue does not equate that dell is a horrible company. My husband works for Dell as well as thousands of others right here in central Texas. They make some of the toughest computers I have ever owned, even before I was married. I understand if you do not want to own one again, but from my personal experience of owning a sony, and a toshiba, I found out there is nothing like a dell. Anyway, just because there is a disconecct in customer service does not mean dell is a horrible company either. Dell drives a big part of our economy and employs many people that read your blog, and we hate to see people have bad experiences. I also hate to see the bash fests that can be created by starting a hate campaign against a company. For now, I will chalk this up to your frustrations, but please understand I cannot be a subscriber to a public blog that uses their sounding board to ruin our family’s only source of income. I am not trying to infringe on your free speech. You have every right to speak freely about any company that you hate, but I also have a right to speak, and a right not to give my attention to a blog I do not agree with and one that has the potential to bring negative advertisement to my husband’s company. Thanks for listening. Peace.
Hi Julie! Thank you for commenting.
I am not bashing Dell the company. If you read what I wrote, I am specifically talking about the customer service. My Dell computers have always been great, and I have never had a problem with with them. I also never said Dell was a horrible company. Whether it is a good company or a bad company, it makes no difference: the point is, that it’s customer service is making it LOOK bad. I am not saying anything about your husband or his job or what he does.
My personal opinion is just that: a personal opinion. If I were going to attack a company, I would not have titled my post, “Whew.” It would have been negative. In fact, the main purpose of the post was to give an explanation as to my absence, and yes, Dell was part of the reason for my absence.
I also would not call it a “disconnect” with customer service, but more of I’m getting the “run around.” In fact, we received yet another message last night saying I would not have my keyboard until the 31st now. All we have asked for is an explanation, and we get nothing except, “The manager will call you back.” Which he/she has yet to do. My husband has been very kind so far, but yes, we are extremely frustrated. Do I blame Dell for the fact that I need a keyboard? Absolutely not. But, I have asked them to send a keyboard, we have already PAID for it, I expect a keyboard… just ask I would expect any other company to fulfill their end of the bargain.
I do not feel that my blog, or this post is going to ruin your family’s source of income, and I am sorry you feel that way. You are most certainly entitled to your opinion.
This post was not a bash fest of any kind, and I am sorry you see it that way. You are correct when you say that you have, “right not to give my attention to a blog I do not agree with”… just as I have a right to not give my money to a company that gives me the run-around.
Oh, and the hashtag was a joke, stemming from my frustration. If you follow me on Twitter, you know I do not start things like that. It is tempting, but that’s not me.
Again, I thank you for your opinion and your perspective.
Hate to break it to you, but if Dell is going to get rid of people because of bad customer, they don’t live in TX, they live in India. Dell doesn’t use Americans for customer support. I am sure Dell supports more of the foreign economy than the US economy. Maybe that’s what you should be concerned about and not a Mom expressing her valid frustrations. No computer for many of us work at home Moms means no income. Dell doesn’t care about our income or situations, one bit! Maybe Dell should reimburse Amy for her lost income?
I’ve owned 3 Macs and I’ll take my Dell over any of them any day of the week! It’s a matter of preference as they’re both decent companies and have their pros and cons.
Hi Lori! I guess it truly is a matter of preference, because everyone I know that has a Mac, has owned another type of laptop before, and say that their Mac is superior. Lol! To each her own, I suppose 🙂 Thanks for commenting! -Amy
Hi Again,
I think it depends on what you’re trying to do on a computer as PC based ones have more programs available, though now you can run PC programs on Macs, so that does help. They are less prone to viruses and there are other positives; however, they can still freeze up, hard drives crash & other issues (key falling off, etc). Like I said, it’s a matter of preference. Neither is perfect. I know a number of people who prefer their PC based computer over a Mac and some who prefer their Mac over PC based. I would consider talking w/ a manager at Dell (or the manager of a manager) until you get a straight answer and not hang up the phone until you’ve talked w/ them or get their direct phone #. Just a thought.
Hey Lori 🙂 We have tried to speak to a manager at Dell. Unfortunately, they are always “unavailable” and “will call us back.” I’m sure there is some truth to that, but whether the message isn’t getting to the right person or the right person simply isn’t calling, idk. I try to give the benefit of the doubt in most cases, but you are right… we just need to tell them we will not hang up until we have truly been helped. Thanks, girl! -Amy
Okay, you know I am a Mac girl, so I am admittedly biased. Here’s the thing: if my Mac breaks (and it very well may), I take it directly to the Apple store and speak with a live human being. No phone calls, no run around. That, my friend, is worth it’s weight in gold. 😉
Alyssa @ KingdomFirstMom´s last blog post ..Printable Coupon Round-Up- January 27
Shannon, you are not only hateful but you are wrong. It is that kind of bashfest that leads to those kinds of lies. HP is one of the worst outsourcers and laid off exponentially more people, but hey, dont look for the truth.
Unsubscribing now. I do not have time for that kind of hate. Good luck to you all.