Snow Daze + {Update}

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Like most of the country, Southern Oklahoma has been inundated with snow and ice.

Lots and lots of snow and ice.

And remember my problems with Dell? Well, they are resolved, as one month after my request, I received a keyboard in the mail. Even with the ice and snow, my keyboard was delivered only ONE day after they said it would. Very nice.

It was very easy to install… after I pried the cover off. I’m considering a photo tutorial on it…

Homeschool has been in full-swing, even with all of the snow. We have been studying, among other things, the Chinese New Year, Black History Month, and Valentine’s Day.

I have several crafts lined up because we are expecting snow later this week!

How have you spent your snow days?


  1. says

    Your pictures are very cute! We have also had a good amount of snow in NE OK, and more is headed our way. My kids have loved playing in the snow. That much snow is not something you see in OK very often. I am glad you got your keyboard, even with the snow and ice. We have not received mail since last Monday.
    Lynn´s last blog post ..Chicken Queso Soup

    • says

      Hey Lynn! Did you guys lose power? We’ve been soooo fortunate that we have not. We didn’t get much in the way of mail, either. Our poor postal worker barely made it through one side of town every day. I was amazed he was able to deliver any at all! I really couldn’t believe it when FedEx pulled up on Saturday, lol. Thanks for commenting, and y’all stay warm up there! -A

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