I’m still here.
Yes, yes I am.
The last month has been a whirlwind of goings-on, and I’m still severely lagging behind.
At least the laundry is clean, if not put away.
Homeschooling is back on track (it puts slight kink in homeschooling when the teacher is absent for a week+). Can I get an, “Amen!”??? (Oh, and that “stuff” in the dish pictured above is “Igneous Rock” candy. Mmm-hmm, you read that right. Igneous rock.)
My Dad is well on the road to recovery from his emergency quadruple bypass. I will tell you, when a life is in the balance (or just knowing his or her heart is stopped while they pull and snip and tug around in it) will surely make you appreciate having God in your life.
It also makes you appreciate having another set of local grandparents in which to dump your kids so you can actually be there while said snipping and pulling is taking place.
And, it absolutely helps to have great friends on hitting their knees for this person you love… even when they haven’t even met him (or, possibly YOU in real life).
Unfortunately for my family, it can take awhile for me to get back into a routine if I’ve been out of one for more than a day long enough.
So, for you sweet commenters who left comments on my #UBP11 post or my Facebook page, I will be returning comments and giving you plenty of traffic love. I don’t like to leave others hanging, and you were all so thoughtful with your comments, I don’t want you to think I won’t be returning the love.
And, I have several giveaways lined up that were supposed to post in the month of March.
Yes, I realize it is almost May.
Oh, did I mention, my little Reesey is now 5? Her birthday was the same day as Daddy’s surgery, so March 19th is a very special day, indeed.
But the good thing about my major lateness is that you will still reap the benefits! I will be throwing up some giveaways really soon, and I know you are going to love them!
Also, I have some updates from our Journey to Living Better. I have to brag on my girls. They are taking the changes I am imposing on them very well. Updates soon to come!
And, finally, the winner of the Tropical Traditions Coconut Oil has been drawn. (Hhmmm, who/what can I blame for the delay in that???)
Congratulations, Pam! I just sent your winner email, so go look for it if you haven’t already.
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