This month I was honored to team up with a group of bloggers for the Eat Well, Spend Less series. This timely topic came just when gas prices are hitting new highs and thanks to TLC, coupons are the latest rage. People need to save money like never before.
Trimming the grocery budget can have an immediate impact on your finances. I shared some of my methods and favorite meals for saving money in the kitchen, as did my fellow bloggers. If you missed them, here are my posts from the series:
While the series is now officially over, this topic sparked a lot of interest and I plan to continue sharing frugal kitchen tips over the next few months. In the meantime, we are celebrating with a great giveaway from Kroger! What better way to end the series than to give our readers a chance to put our tips into action with $50 in free groceries. Spending less does not get any better than free!
When I first learned to use coupons, Kroger was my favorite stop. With double and triple coupons every day (no longer in select areas), their legendary Mega-Events and a generous selection of organics, Kroger is a great place to help you eat well for less.
I have one $50 gift card to giveaway to one lucky reader. This gift card is also accepted at all Kroger affiliated stores, including Ralphs, Dillons, Smith’s, King Soopers, Fry’s, QFC, City Market, Hilander, Owen’s, Jay C, Pay Less, Baker’s, Gerbes, Scott’s Food & Pharmacy, Fred Meyer, Dillons Marketplace, Fry’s Marketplace, Kroger Marketplace, Smith’s Marketplace, and Food 4 Less.
Enter to Win:
(1) $50 Gift Card from Kroger Co.
- Leave a comment below (required entry): Share one way you eat well and spend less!
If you are reading via email or in a reader, please click through to the post to enter.
For up to (2) bonus entries:
- Subscribe via RSS or email for free daily updates. If you’re already a subscriber (thank you!) simply leave a comment.
- “Like” Kroger Co. and KingdomFirstMom on Facebook and leave a comment letting me know you have done so.
This giveaway will end on Thursday, April 28th at 9 p.m. EST. The winner will be drawn randomly, and notified via email.
Disclosure: Kroger Co. is providing this $50 Gift Card. I did not receive compensation or a gift card for this post. As always, all opinions are my own.
Be sure to visit my fellow bloggers in the series for more chances to win:
- Aimee from Simple Bites
- Shaina from Food for My Family
- Carrie from Denver Bargains
- Jessica from LifeasMOM
- Katie from Good Life Eats
- Katie from Kitchen Stewardship
- Mandi from Life Your Way
- Tammy from Tammy’s Recipes
We buy things that we use every day at rock-bottom prices, using coupons when we can, and use those savings to buy more whole foods and produce!
Look at ads, wait for sales – buy more when it’s on sale – make sure you read ingredients of things you’re thinking about buying. Usually it goes back on the shelf.
A meal plan is a must. Otherwise I grab stuff that may or may not be used, have to make multiple trips to get what I do need to complete a meal, wasting time and gas in addition to grocery money and bringing more opportunitities for those money-sucking impulse buys! Thanks for the giveaway!
I use coupons and try to find the best deals. I usually price match at Walmart, but once in a while, I go to place like Kroger and Meijer because of extra special deals. Like today, I am headed to Kroger to catch the GM cereal/gift card deal! Also, going to get some produce that is on sale. Also, I count on the blogs that I follow to find me the best deals!! 🙂
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I purchase sale items in bulk and plan meals to be frozen from those specific ingredients. I end up batch cooking for a half day on the weekend while my daughter is napping. We have portions, a freezer stockpile, and far less food wasted!
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Carolyn´s last blog post ..First Hair Cut
Some of the things I do to eat well while spending less is to look for organic/natural food coupons, produce coupons, and then when I can’t find those, to use the money I save from using coupons on other things to buy the fresh produce. I also use my coupon savings to help pay for meat, (which there are few coupons for, and the price keeps soaring on!)
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I try and buy what’s in season, that way I get fresher, tastier produce
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I have been couponing for about 3 months & just starting to grow my stockpile. I have already found that when I stockpile staples for free or ridiculously low prices, I am saving a lot of money in the long run. My grocery bills are already lower & I find that we’re eating out less. And I am thrilled to already have a bag of items to donate to the church’s food pantry!
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I am fortunate that my kids like fruits and veggies, and I pack them in their lunches every day. We eat well and spend less because I keep a mental list of all the fruits and vegetables that they like, and whenever I shop for groceries, I buy whatever is on sale for that week. The kids are actually excited when I tell them, “I bought strawberries and broccoli for your lunches!”
I eat only what’s on sale or have a good coupon for I plan my weekly meals accordingly.
We {heart} Kroger! We eat lots of in-season fresh fruits and veggies!
Kelly´s last blog post ..Squeaky Clean
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Kelly´s last blog post ..Squeaky Clean
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Kelly´s last blog post ..Squeaky Clean
like you both on FB Jennifer Bee
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I “liked ” KingdomFirstMom & Kroger on Facebook.
We look for store specials and use coupons to buy fruits and veggies.
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I like you and Kroger on Facebook with my username Mary Happymommy.
We eat well and spend less by using coupons and cooking our meals at home!
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not sure what happened to the comment I was posting, as it vablnished, so I’ll repost. Sorry if this is a duplicate
I do many of the things noted above, and also use a competitor’s $x off $y purchase at my local Whole Foods. When I can, I combine those with their in-store sales, in-store coupons, and, on things we use a lot of, case discounts. Once that resulted in the equivalent of buy 5 get 7 free relative to the usual price of a cereal our daughter eats.
We eat well by stocking up on healthy foods when prices are low and we use coupons, coupons, coupons!!
I’m a subscriber also 🙂
What has helped me tremendously is planning….when I keep track of what I have and plan meals around those instead of what I “feel” like eating we eat healthier and less expensive.
I am pushing for more veggies:) And as always coupons,coupons,coupons!
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I try to eat fruits alot and to use coupons.
I look for the manager’s unadvertised specials at my local Dillons store. Great deals!
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I’m a big believer in pastured chicken & grass fed beef. In order to afford it, our meals are typically casseroles or soups. This helps stretch the meat as much as possible.
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liked you and Kroger on Facevook
I am learning the art of stock piling. It is helping a lot! I love to add coupons on top of buy-one-get one deals. I also am starting to use dry beans as a filler and stretcher of our meat budget.
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I save money by growing as much of my own food as I can. I learned how to can two years ago and it has been awesome! Anything else, I buy at rock bottom prices w/sales and coupons and stockpile it. Also, planning my menu has helped me not to waste anything.
My husband’s the cook in the family, so we go shopping together so I can find the deals, and he finds the foods he wants to cook with. It works really well 🙂
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Darcy@Somewhatmuddledmusings´s last blog post ..Using up those Easter Eggs – Easter Egg Sandwich
I love to match sales with coupons!
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Darcy@Somewhatmuddledmusings´s last blog post ..Using up those Easter Eggs – Easter Egg Sandwich
I like KingdomFirstMom and Kroger on Facebook.
I love to shop Kroger even if they don’t do the double and tripple coupons anymore. To save I match my coupons with their deals, buy my large items at Sam’s (meat, etc.) then break them up, vacuum seal and freeze. I also make large batches of items like spaghetti sauce and freeze.
I’m pretty good with my coupons and check for coupons before leaving the house for anything.
I’d love to win free groceries!
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We like to freezer cook.
love free groceries and eating well!
liked both pages on FB. All ready liked yours.
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we have a big vegetable garden to help us eat fresh & spend very little in doing so
I plan meals around seasonal fruits and vegetables. We try to avoid the center aisles and stick to the outer edges of our local Kroger for the best deals. We do have to venture “in”, we only purchase items that are on sale and that we have coupons for.
We are starting to buy extra produce that we can freeze for use when they are not in season. I am hoping to learn how to do some canning this summer!
email sub of yours
I already “like” you on Facebook, I now also “like” Kroger.
JamieAnne´s last blog post ..Meatless Monday-Mac and cheese
I LIKE Kroger Co & U on FB/ Birdie S.
Cooking from scratch.
I find myself using Kroger the most. I also like Aldi for boxed/canned goods.
I have just started the coupon experience and I am having so much fun organizing and planning. We aren’t going to be extreme couponers, but we have already decided that when there’s a good deal on a healthy food, we are definitely going extreme to fill our food bank.
My family is in a very tough spot right now and we haven’t been able to buy even the cheapest food (with coupons)!! We are scraping the barrels right now and actually plan to go to the food bank later today for a bridge to get us through. We have been there before and the bank in our little town is not supported very well and not always the healthiest of foods.
This gift card would mean so much to us!! We would use every penny to the fullest extent and plan it carefully so that we could even use it for the food bank. In Malachi 3, God promises in His Word: “Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this, says the Lord of Hosts, if I will not open for you the windows of heaven and pour out for you such blessing that there will not be room enough to receive it” (v. 10).
God Bless you for providing information on healthy foods and budgeting. I know that whoever wins this gift card will be winning it at the perfect time in their life.
I love to kroger shop late on friday nights. After a long week at work, my friend and i , armed with our coupon organizer, go and have a wonderful time finding all the deals we can and feed our family the best and cheapest way we can. It gives you the feeling of accomplishment and to see the kids faces when we come home with great food and to see the smile on my husbands face because i saved money makes it all worth it!
I do menu plan and have a small organic garden .
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“Like” Kroger Co. and KingdomFirstMom on Facebook @tcarolinep JessieKatie S
Love to Save. Love your Site. Always looking for bargains.
I eat well and spend less by buying seasonal produce and meat only when on sale.
I like Kroger on Facebook (I already like Kingdom First Mom on Facebook)
We plan out meals, especially since one of my daughter’s is vegetarian, so we make alot of things from scratch, have only healthy foods in the house and we control portions. Our days start anywhere between 4-6am, so we eat early, snack on veggies, fruit or protein bars during meals and stop eating at 9pm each night.
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I like KingdomFirstMom and Kroger Co on Facebook.
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Brooke´s last blog post ..Embrace the camera
I learned more about eating fresh and saving money!
Brooke´s last blog post ..Embrace the camera
Facebook fan of you and Kroger!
Brooke´s last blog post ..Embrace the camera
I love Kroger. Thank you for hosting this giveaway!
Aimee´s last blog post ..Moving Day
We make a ton of stuff from scratch and use the bulk bins.
I shop at Wal-Mart and Save A Lot to stretch my grocery dollars. I also mostly buy generic items .
I’m a fan on Facebook of Kroger, and I think I’ve already fanned you! 🙂
Aimee´s last blog post ..Moving Day
For us to eat well & spend less, we try to combine coupons with sale items and not just one or the other on their own. Also, buy seasonal fruits and veggies and freeze if possible.
We coupon and buy beef from a local rancher.
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I “like” King Soopers.
“Like” Kroger Co. and KingdomFirstMom on Facebook
I live equal distances from a Kroger, Publix , Save a lot and a Walmart. I try to match WHAT I NEED FOR THE WEEK, with who has it on sale and if I have a coupon, all the better.
I am a fb fan of Kroger and Keeping the Kingdom
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I try to cook from scratch as much as possible. Combining this with deals and coupons helps a great deal! Feeding a family of 7 is always a challenge!
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I shop Kroger often. I like to supplement my meat and produce with sales and markdowns from the organic section whenever possible!
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I already subscribe via email. 🙂
Aimee´s last blog post ..Moving Day
We spend less by making most meals at home and always shopping deals and using coupons.
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i price match and plan my meals around what is on sale. also we are vegetable focused, using a lot of beans for protein.
I try to plan my meals around weekly sale items. By eating at home and combining coupons to sales, we eat healthier and cheaper.
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“like” you and Kroger on FB
We spend less by growing a garden and canning.
I like Kroger and Kingdom First mom on FB
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I’ve started going to Sunflower Market to get produce when it’s on sale and in season vs buying it at the regular grocery store when I feel like it, regardless of price.
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To help my family eat better and spend less on food, I make weekly meal plans based on the grocery sales and my coupons. I also am starting to do OAMC sessions with a few friends 🙂
I subscribe to your awesome blog via email 🙂
I like Kroger & Keeping the Kingdom First on FB 🙂
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A $50 kroger gift card would be a huge help!
Jenny´s last blog post ..Learning Contentment
We don’t eat out without coupons, we get water at restaurants, we plant a small garden, buy produce in season, and I know my prices so I know if it’s a good deal!
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Making large recipes out of a few, fresh ingredients lets me eat well on a small, graduate student’s budget! I survive on leftovers! Thanks for the helpful recipes!
I use coupons,, grow a garden,, and try to buy only what i need.
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I follow Kroger and you on facebook
I plan my weekly meals around the deals I get in the grocery store’s circulars.
Kroger is also my favorite place for groceries. We have shopped Kroger’s for 25 years. Love your blog.
I like Kroger on facebook.
One way we eat well and save is to grind our own wheat flour and make large batches of breakfast foods and freeze them for during the week. It’s nice to get a good meal but not have to lose time doing it.
I plan our meals based on what’s on sale and in season. I save a ton on fresh foods by doing this and we eat healthier 🙂
I use coupons on toiletries, etc. so that I can splurge on free range eggs.
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I save so much money and we eat well by menu planning!
We spend less by making our own pizza and coffee at home!
I’m a RSS subscriber.
Ashley´s last blog post ..Pictures for your enjoyment!
I spend less by growing a lot of our own food, and having chickens for eggs.
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We save money by using coupons. The majority of what we buy cannot be purchased with coupons, but 3-10 dollars a shopping trip can really add up after awhile!
I liked you and Kroger on facebook.
i love my fred meyer deals
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Amanda´s last blog post ..Book Review- The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn
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Amanda´s last blog post ..Book Review- The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn
I save money by shopping sales and coupons, and freezer cooking. I buy large quantities of meat when it is on sale, and then I plan meals using items in my pantry that i bought with coupons. Also I’m loving Aldi! We could barely afford fresh produce before that place opened!
Amanda´s last blog post ..Book Review- The Treasure Principle by Randy Alcorn
I love this series! I have tried to cook more from scratch and stock up on staples. I do coupon extremely and use for my matchups. I think it all just works together for the most savings!
I just recently made the switch to using olive oil in the kitchen. Since it’s so expensive I’m cutting down on my use of oil by using homemade applesauce in my baked goods. Thanks for hosting this giveaway!
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Carrie´s last blog post ..Snack Time
I depend a lot on bloggers like you to learn which match-ups are going on. We also don’t eat much meat, but instead focus on beans and vegetables.
I buy lots of yogurt! It’s filling, and is a complete breakfast or lunch for me.
Cooking from scratch allows us to eat well on less. I expecially love grinding fresh whole wheat for cooking!
I save on groceries by using coupons, shopping sales, and being creative with what I have in the pantry to avoid uneccesary trips to the store!
Thanks for the series and this giveaway-loving it!
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I try to make grocery store lists (matched with coupons, of course), and don’t go to the store hungry.
I am an email subscriber. Thanks!
Whenever pasta is free we get the whole grain variety.
I shop different stores to get inexpensive produce. For example, one store has apples for 78c/lb, cucumber .50c each and onions for 29c/lb. Then another store has baby carrots for $1/lb, zucchini 49c/lb, mushrooms $1.50 per 8oz pack.
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I already like you on Facebook and I also liked Kroger (Do Elhag)
We eat well and spend less by visiting local farmer markets for fresh, cheap produce.
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Christina Burrell´s last blog post ..Eucharisteo Oil Painting Adoption Auction-Auction ends on May 8- 2011
I gave up on coupons. Nine times out of ten, if there’s a coupon for it, you shouldn’t be eating it anyway. After a while of making the rounds, I’ve memorized who has what cheapest, and I try to hit whatever store is on my way back from whatever errand I’m running, and then stock up on the things that are cheapest there. As a result, I go to the grocery store about seven times a week, and yet, I never make a special trip there, so I’m not burning any more gas in the process.
That’s one thing people don’t factor in: your time and gas. If you burned a gallon going there, then you had better have “saved” $4.00 in the process or it’s a net loss.
Same with coupons. The average home printer cost about 27¢ to print a page, so if you printed a 25¢ coupon, you just lost two cents. Print more than one per page, or even shrink them down to print 8 or more, if you can.
Steve @ HPD´s last blog post ..April 18th- National Animal Cracker Day
Watch the sale papers and buy in bulk.
I shop different stores for the best price and that saves me money, whether produce or bulk or everyday items
We are prepping an area in teh backyard for a garden. A few dollars on vegatable plants will hopefully produce a lot of healthy food for us.
I cook from scratch as much as possible, and I’m starting a vegetable garden this summer.
We shop at several different stores to get the best deals combined with our coupons.
In order to eat well and spend less, I plan my menus in advance, try to have a good stockpile in my pantry and freezer, and cook from scratch meals daily. We rarely eat out.
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I like Kingdom First Mom on Facebook.
We are eating more locally grown produce and adapting recipes to use more veggies and less meat to make our meat budget stretch out farther.
We have also started our first vegetable garden.
Whoops, I also like Kroger on Facebook too.
I am an email subscriber.
I liked Kingdom First on Face Book.
@Lynda Clark,
Oops, I also liked Kroger on Facebook too.
We eat well and spend less by growing some of our own vegetables and fruits (strawberries, blackberries, blueberries)
Wow, I’m in! I cook all my meals from scratch to eat well and spend less.
Kate M´s last blog post ..2 celebrations today…
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Kate M´s last blog post ..2 celebrations today…
I like Kroger Co. and KingdomFirstMom on Facebook
(fb name Just Coupons)
And I just went over to like… I really like Krogers FOR REAL!!
Kate M´s last blog post ..2 celebrations today…
I garden and make homemade babyfood.
We make a lot from scratch now!
I have a large garden and grow and can a lot of produce. We also buy in bulk whenever possible.
I found a local dairy farm that I can get raw milk for the same price as regular milk at the grocery store.
I try to eat well and spend less by eating more soups, bean-based dishes, lots of eggs, and planning menus based on sales when possible!
Subscribed to your blog!
Liked Kroger and KFM on FB!
I “like” both Kroger and now Kingdom First Mom on fb! Can’t wait to get lots of great information!!
We are shopping at Aldi and using coupons on sale items to save money on groceries.
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I buy all the produce we eat on sale
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unfortunately my area is one that out Kroger no longer does the double/triple coupons but I watch the sales & buy in bulk where possible.
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The best way for me to eat well and spend less is to be diligent on making a menu plan.
I subscribed to Kingdom First Mom via my google reader
I liked Kroger and Kingdom First Mom on my FB
I am trying to simplify my meal plans to incorporate more inexpensive meals. I am particularly working to use more beans in place of or to supplement meat dishes.
I liked both Kroger and Kingdom First Mom on Facebook. Thanks!
I just subscribed to your emails.
Shopping for produce at the farmer’s markets is a great way to eat well and spend less (winning gift cards would help too!)
Thanks for the opportunity.
We are doing our largest garden ever this year, a 12′ x 24′ area as well as our smaller plot. We plan on growing as much of our own food as possible and then using the farmers markets to supplement that in the summer.
We try to save money on food by growing as much as we can in our garden.
We eat lots of beans and rice to stay healthy and frugal.
I keep checking websites like yours to find the best deals and coupons!
Thanks for being such a blessing!
I purchase a Bountiful Basket full of fresh produce weekly and use it as a GREAT way to try new recipes and add lots of veggies to our diet. It’s a co-op so it saves on my produce budget. 🙂
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I use coupons religiously and shop sales together! We get all the good food for a fraction of the costs without coupons/sales!
I “liked” Kroger and Kingdom First Mom on FB 🙂
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I “LIKE” both on fB (Nicole Pitts)
I love your tips! Living more frugally has helped our family to serve the Lord as we have become foster parents! It is great to see how the Lord has provided for us. Your blog has helped us stretch our dollar so we are able to provide more for our growing family!
I’ve learned to do more from scratch- eliminate the nasty food additives. Thanks!
I combine grocery sales and coupons to get the best prices, and I try to stock up as much as possible when things are on sale. I also try to never let any food go to waste.
I best thing I can do to save money on groceries is stockpile meats and paper good when I can get them cheap. also, planting a garden will supply my family with great organically grown produce and save on gas. I already follow KingdomFirstMom and Kroger Co. on Facesbook.
We are buying more produce locally and making more food from scratch.
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I eat well and spend less by shopping seasonally. Whatever fruits and veggies are on sale for around $1 a pound, I use first. We have become quite creative with this method, considering that we eat more fresh fruits and veggies than anything else. It’s been a challenge, but it’s worth it!
I make as much as possible from scratch.
I subscribed via Google! I can’t wait to read more of your blog.
I subscribe via google reader.
We grow our own vegetables in the summer to save $ and eat well. I also shop the circulars, and know which store has the best prices for items. We love to eat bean dishes and tofu that we buy at our neighborhood Vietnamese store for 50 cents for one cake of tofu!
I shop the weekly sales at multiple stores.
I shop at year round farmer’s markets and and grow some of my own veg’s in raised gardens in the back yard. It’s a little more work and all worth it to me but I get upset when these great foods go bad before we eat them so this year I’m learning to preserve foods for storage.
I’m planning on starting a garden at our new home!
I like to make a crock-pot meal every week that we use for one meal and then I use the leftovers for another meal or two.
Suanna´s last blog post ..Kents Birthday
I am currently working on a price database for the stores that I shop and the most common items I buy so that I can pair my coupons with sale items for the best price possible.
I menu-plan so I can buy what I need without excess ‘splurges’
Shopping our local farmer’s market, not only for food but for plants at the beginning of planting season and for honey from hives.
I try to find manager’s special and look out for sales and if is cheap I try to stock up.
The best way I’ve found to eat well and on the cheap is simply with coupons!
I “like” KFM on FB.
I like to eat fresh produce from the garden!
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like both of you on facebook
I buy vegetables like tomatoes, cukes, radishes (I try and buy them at the farmers market) and then serve them as an appetizer. This fills us up so we eat less plus we get our veggie servings for the day.
I eat a lot of veggies and I use coupons all the time.
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I plan meals around fruits and veggies, versus around meat!
I’ve started making my own bread.
Thanks for another great article!
Sticking to meal planning reduces the need to spend money; cooking at home helps us in eating healthy. Thanks for the giveaway.
RSS Subscriber of your blog.
I buy what is on sale, menu plan, and stick to my list.
One way I eat well and spend less is by shopping less. I look in the pantry and freezer and plan meals from there. Planning our meals from sale items works well and planting items we enjoy eating encourages healthy, frugal eating.
I love your blog! And I’d love $50 in groceries from Kroger! I liked both Kroger’s and your blog on FB 🙂
I like to buy a bag of leg quarters and make several meals during the week
I save by buying ahead when things are on sale–aka stockpiling, but not to the extreme! I do use some coupons.
Jessica-MomForHim´s last blog post ..Roundys Coupon Matchups Copps- Pick n Save- Rainbow
We try to stock up on commonly used items that are on sale. We also have meals in the crockpot often and make meals ahead that are ready in the freezer.
– Megan
Kroger Manager Specials on meats and veggies!!
Thank you so much for participating in this series! The articles are helpful and $50 in groceries would mean so much right now!
I’m trying to coupon and shop all the sales to spend less, and I’m eating well by cutting out all restaurant meals and making everything at home. Soon, I’ll be replacing a lot of the meat in our meals with alternative proteins, hopefully.
Ashley Gunn´s last blog post ..More bride freebies
I also subscribed to your RSS feed 🙂
And I like both you and Kroger on facebook 🙂
We use coupons, we also shop when the sales happen, I go by one store weekly to buy the discounted bread…… often I can get bread for 69 Cents.. but last week I was able to get bread for 49 cents! Oh…. and the most important way to save…… is to shop without my little blessings in tow…… then I don’t get the “mommy I want….” comments and I can focus on being wise! 😉
I buy bags of lettuce that are on sale and add my fresh veggies I have at home to it to have a healthy filling salad every day for kunch! I don’t have alot of time to fix/eat a meal on my lunch hour and salads keep me satisfied until supper and I don’t spend alot to have a great meal every day! Love it!!
Hi! I am leaving a comment for entry for the gift card 🙂 I am enjoying your site very much!!
I eat as “close to the farm” as I can – meaning fresh vegetables and meats. Stay away from process foods.
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I like Krogers on Facebook.
I love to shop at Aldi and Sprouts for the great produce prices. I freeze as much as I can for the times when it isn’t so cheap!
I am trying to spend at least half of our budget on food directly from farmers. The cost is comparable to grocery store costs (for “organic” foods – meat and dairy, especially), sometimes even a bit less. I know the value is WAY better, though, and the money is going into the hands I want, if that makes sense. Thanks for the giveaway!
I look for manager specials at Kroger all the time on natural yogurt, veggies, milk, and meat. These items are still ok and we usually eat them fast enough before they go bad. And the meat can be frozen.
I use coupons to save money and buy raw milk and other dairy products from a local farm (pay less than buying their products at a store).
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I buy in bulk whenever I can! I also shop around to find the best prices!
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and I like both you and Kroger on FB!
We raise beef and process to have meat in freezer…saves a lot on grocery budget.We also grow a garden.
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I buy some items in bulk, use coupons/sales for frozen veggies and pasta, and search the circulars for specials on fresh fruits, veggies, and meats.
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I would love to win the gift card to Krogers/Smiths!! Our family has 3 teenage boys, 2 younger girls and we can never get below $200.00 a wk, even with coupons, as our store does not double points. We do, however, save about $40.00-80.00 each week, so that gives you all an idea of how much food is consumed in this household!! My sons are in sports so they can eat!!
I make a lot of things from scratch. I also do freezer meals/cooking frequently. (I made a bunch of “breakfast” dinners with the .77 eggs that were on sale last week at Kroger.) I’m also hoping to get a garden started soon.
We have been eating lots of produce and using coupons to lower our grocery bill.
I like you on Facebook!!
I like Kroger on Facebook now, in fact, one of my best gfs who I MET online in another state, works for Krogers and I am surprised I didn’t go and “like” them before now, but I shop at Smiths in my city, so I had forgotten to.
I like you on facebook and kroger, too.
In order to save money and eat well; my husband and I have a raised bed garden. I also will freeze leftovers for easy meals. I have followed your site for a month and am saving money!
Liked both Keeping the Kingdom First and Kroger on Facebook!
if I make a menu for our dinners then I’m more likely to stick to it and not want to go out to eat because I didn’t plan for something!
I choose to be anorexic. It costs nothing and makes me look healthy.
I do all my cooking from scratch
I subscribe by e mail.
I purchase a box from an organization called Treasure Box which is distributed thru local churches in CA & AZ. Approx 25 lbs of food (mostly frozen with some dry goods) for $32 a box. Usually includes rice or other such staple in addition to entrees , frozen veggies and meat. Helps subsidize many meals and what we don’t eat, gets traded with neighbor or goes toward babysitting payment. Doesn’t use coupons, but does help us alot.
I fill our home and tummies with whole foods
I buy in bulk whenever I can.
don’t spend much on snacks…and try and mix in some fruits when shopping. then you aren’t buying bad food and when you snack, it’s better for you.
I buy produce that is in season and plan my menus accordingly.
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I like Kroger and Kingdom First Mom on Facebook.
Spend less by eating more vegetarian meals!
I subscribe through email 🙂
As middle-age approached, I started implementing better eating habits. I’ve always loved fresh fruit & vegetables, but I’ve also tried to increase the amount of whole grains I eat. We save money by having our own (small) garden. Thanks for the giveaway.
email subscriber
I like both you and Kroger on Facebook
I have been using coupons and have joined several food blogs for meal ideas which I schedule my family meals around. Lately pasta dishes allow me to stretch our food budget and prepare meals creatively.
We take into consideration the price of produce when we choose our vegetables. Sure potatoes would be fun and easy, but I can get them for less than a dollar. Peppers and lettuces are my most important plants.
I subscribe to your rss feed.
We do a lot of “u-pick” fruits and veggies in the summer. It’s a fun activity for a toddler and a friend, and it makes produce SO much cheaper. Plus, a lot of the places don’t mind if you nibble while you work, so you can at least have a snack, if not a meal 🙂
I buy staples at Costco.
We try to plan ahead (less waste) and eat seasonally, paying close attention to sales.
I have caught the end of this Eat Well, Spend Less, but I am so excited to get caught up!! My husband and I have been on a weight loss journey for the past year. I have lost 90 lbs and he has lost 160 lbs!!! We both have quite a way to go, but it’s been fun so far. We have just discovered the power of coupons and I have been trying to find the right network of blogs for me. I wondered when we began looking at coupons if we would be able to keep up our good eating habits with the coupons and this series is PERFECT!!
How we save money (prior to discovering coupons): My husband works in the meat market at Brookshires and my stepmom is a Dept. Manager at Kroger. We find out about deals at both stores through those inside connections!! The trick is we have to have money when the special happens and that is not always easy for us. We have bought a LOT of markdown, almost out of date, meat over the past couple of years and it feels like we are at the mercy of people not buying something before it goes bad. Just in the past three weeks, we are getting better at the coupons and are having so much fun!!
I am following all of the bloggers on this series now through email and when our computer gets out of the pawn shop (ugh!!) I will be following everyone on Facebook as well.
God Bless You All!!!
I am a member of a local CSA from May through October, so we get an abundance of locally grown vegetables and fruits for much less than we typically spend on produce in the grocery store. The produce is much better quality, less expensive, and supports our local farmers…plus, I’ve learned a few new recipes and introduced my family to a few vegetables we didn’t use to eat 🙂
I’m also an email subscriber!
I recently signed up for a local farm’s CSA and that has been such a blessing! We end up eating all of the box and even have a few veggie-only meals (a treat for me since hubby is a meat & potatoes kinda guy).
Love your blog by the way. I make each and every item from scratch, including bread. Food is still expensive, but starting from whole foods helps on so many levels.
Lisa´s last blog post ..Lemon Meringue Ice Box Pie
Like Kroger on FB
Lisa´s last blog post ..Lemon Meringue Ice Box Pie
I like you on FB, that is how I found out about this.
We just started eating wheat pasta, I wait till there is a buy one get one free sale and hopefully pair with a coupon and stock up on them. I always have a surplus of wheat pasta in the cupboard. Healthy and inexpensive.
I shop at Fred Meyer’s all the time! In particularly the Nutrition Center section of the store..How perfect of an opportunity!! Thank you!!
We eat well for less by stockpiling when items are on sale with coupons, then cooking from scratch. Processed foods are very expensive as is eating out!!
Since being introduced to “couponing correctly” by my daughter, my family has been eating well for a LOT less money! I spend less on canned and dry food and use that money for fresh fruits and veggies! 🙂
I receive (and love) your daily emails.
I follow Kingdom First Mom on Facebook as well.
Love your website! Besides coupons and a veggie meal once a week, I think mainly try to use leftovers more creatively. I have practiced and really have some great meals derived from previous ones and my family (all guys) really likes them!
We plant a garden each year and plan our meals around the coupons and sales each week.
I buy what is on sale, use coupons, then search for healthy recipes to use them in.
I am an email subscriber.
I follow you on facebook, also.
By planning ahead and using my coupons
I am a subscriber
I follow you and Kroger on Facebook
It’s only been a few weeks that I’ve been trying this. My husband and I recently purchased our first home and decided rather than move all of our food to the new house, we would eat up everything in our cabinets, refrigerator and freezer. The first few days were easy, but now the biggest challenge is finding amazing deals at the grocery store to add something to our meals. Coupons are great- and I also spend a lot of time searching the websites of stores to see what’s on sale. It frequently gives me ideas. (ex- Whole Foods has salmon patties on sale for $6.99/lb that are usually $9.99/lb) Time to get creative and save!
I am learning how to make more bread items with whole wheat flour and save by making my own ~ and my family loves my bread!
I get your email
In a family with 4 daughters, we have to have a meal plan. Otherwise, I browse too much and end up buying what we don’t need. And to stay healthy, we try to buy from the perimeter of the store (fresh produce, dairy & meat).
I already “liked” you on facebook
I “like” Kroger on facebook
My local Kroger in Little Rock has a policy that they cannot have more than three expiration dates for any given product. Check produce, specialty cheese, dairy, meat, fish, bakery and frozen – learn where they keep the markdowns for each category. On Monday, I got Ben and Jerry’s ice cream for .25, celery for .49, mushrooms for .99 and flat bread wraps for .99. I also check the clearance rack every trip.
Facebook (and now, Kroger) follower.
Following Kroger on facebook.
At Kroger, I look for the “manager specials” but only buy the healthy ones.
I stockpile and then use things I have a lot of to make meals combined with the produce from my garden. Frugal and healthy!
I “Like” you in FB!
We eliminated meat from our grocery buys and replaced them with eggs and beans. Big $$ saver.
I am a fan of yours on FB and a fan of Kroger.
We use coupons and have a meatless meal at least once a week
I eat well on less by using double coupons at krogers
I liked Krogers on Facebook
I likes Kingdomfirstmom on Facebook
I grow my own vegetables….corn, green beans, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash to name a few. They have the best flavor and help my grocery budget!
I subscribe to you by email.
Love Kroger!
One way is- I make all my own bread products from freshly ground organic wheat!
I use the freezer to freeze produce when it’s in season!
I rss’ed 🙂
We try to use coupons and cook healthy food
I like you and Kroger on Facebook.
We eat well by buying fresh veggies in bulk when they are on sale for super low prices, then blanching and freezing ourselves. It saves money and we are still getting to eat “fresh” veggies.
I signed up for RSS through My Yahoo!
I “liked” Kroger on Facebook.
We eat lots of fruits and veggies, and in the summer months I love to buy from local producers. It’s much cheaper and much better quality!
I also subscribed via email.
We are using a CSA.
I am a subscriber
I like both on FB
Since we have food allergies, eating right for less is a lot more difficult. I do the majority of our cooking from scratch so I keep a close watch on sales. I also trade coupons at hotcouponworld to get more coupons for allergy friendly food items
Theresa´s last blog post ..Earth Day!!
I’m an email subscriber
Theresa´s last blog post ..Earth Day!!
I like Kroger and Kingdom First Mom on facebook
I shop at Kroger in Cincinnati and regularly take advantantage of the Mega sales in conjunction with double coupons and save a ton of money. I also use the coupons Kroger sends me in the mail which often contain free items.
I’m an email subscriber.
I liked Kroger and Kingdom First Mom on Facebook.
One way we eat well and spend less is by gardening! We love to put out a big vegetable garden and put away as much as we can for winter.
I try to meal plan so I know what to buy and not buy things at the store that aren’t on my list. I also coupon a little, but am NOT a pro!
Jen´s last blog post ..Meal Plan–Theme Nights
We eat well for less by having “meatless” meals once in a while. In the summer we enjoy fresh veggies from our garden and in the winter (sometimes in summer to!) we have dried beans, cornbread and greens. YUM!
I “like” you and Kroger on facebook
i like to shop at target where you can use store coupons and manufacturers coupons together. the savings is remarkable. i have gotten many household necessities for nearly free. thanks for the nice giveaway!
I make lots of stuff from scratch… granola, yogurt, bread, jam… healthy, delicious, fun, and frugal. 🙂
i like to shop at walgreens or target where they will let you use manufacturer and store coupons together. we have saved hundreds every year.
I coupon and match coupons to sales. Also, meal planning is huge!
I use coupons on at least 85% of what I buy.
Likes Kroger on Facebook.
Like Kroger of Facebook
We eat well and spend less by couponing and shopping at multiple stores 🙂 *Thanks* for the giveaway!
Subscribed to Keeping the Kingdom First by email
I Like Kroger and Keeping the Kingdom First on Facebook
I make a monthly meal plan and have cut my grocery shopping to every other week – this has helped save money by reducing my opportunities for impulse purchases.
I take advantage of the sales that Kroger has on their rotisserie chickens. I got one yesterday for $3.99 plus I had a $1.00 off coupon. That was an awesome deal!!
I eat well by limiting takeout and dining out to once a week. It costs less to prepare meals at home.
Teresha@ Marlie and Me´s last blog post ..Some Winners to Announce!
I “Like” Kroger Co. and KingdomFirstMom on Facebook. Name is Teresha FP
Teresha@ Marlie and Me´s last blog post ..Some Winners to Announce!
I always buy “apple and eve” fruit drinks for my daughter b/c they have way less sugar than reg. juice and also provide one serving of veggies! i have been able to use coupons with each purchase for the last three months!
We have joined a organic co-op which helps me budget money and eat well and spend less
Kim P.´s last blog post ..Making a Rag Wreath
email subscriber
I shop FRY’s (part of the Kroger family) in sunny AZ and love the tips for making life better for my family!
I buy fresh meat and produce on Manager’s Special and use it that day in a meal or freeze it. Sometimes you’re saving 50 percent or more just by buying the manager’s specials.
I like Kroger on FB.
Kroger is my favorite grocery store. I could really buy alot with $50 gift card. Thanks for the chance.
Hi Alyssa!
First, I have “liked” Kroger and already subscribe to Keeping the Kingdom First!! Yay!!
I am learning to cook more with beans, lentils, and rice! I love the challenge to shop for bargains, using coupons, and shopping the sales. I love the blogs out there by women that have given their valuable time to help out perfect strangers!! Thanks for all you!
I use coupons.
I’m an email subscriber.
I like you and Kroger on facebook.
To eat well and spend less, I shop ads and cook and bake a lot! We love to eat good food, so we make it!
I like Kroger on facebook, I shop at it all the time.
I try to use coupons whenever possible & shop the sales.
I stockpile staples when I get a great deal and plan meals around that.
I eat well and spend less by waiting until organic fruits and veggies are on sale and buying them in bulk. I prefer to use organic produce as it’s healthier and tastes so much better but I can’t always afford until it goes on sale. I also tend to watch for things that are available for free (like pasta and stovetop stuffing last week) and then I combine them with healthier choices.
I have liked both Kroger and KingdomFirstMom.
i follow you on gfc
We eat well and spend less by growing our own fruits and vegetables and raising chickens for eggs!
one great way we save money on meals is to replace ground beef with lentils. For example instead of making sloppy joes with beef, I make a pot of lentils and drain well. Simply add a couple of cans of manwhich and make up some homemade buns…voila…sloppy lentils!
cook from scratch
“Like” Kroger Co. and KingdomFirstMom on Facebook (gala ya)
We are growing much of our own produce for canning and freezing. I am doubling my efforts to locate organic product coupons.
I forgot to mention I liked both Facebook pages. Thank you!
I am working on making my own sauces like enchilada, cream of chicken and cream of mushroom so I don’t have to buy the canned version. Cheaper and healthier 🙂
Meal planning around sales and coupons!
Liked King Soopers and KingdomFirst Mom!
I “like” Kroger!
I “like” KFM (actually love it)
We have expanded our garden this year, which is already and will continue to save us money. We’ll be freezing some of the produce for use throughout the fall/winter, which will help further the savings even more!
I also “like” facebook and KFM 🙂
To eat better and save more, we collect the “culled” fruit from local packing sheds and can during summer to eat better during the winter. We also have a garden of our own this year, and of course I coupon as much as I can! Thanks!
I love Kroger!!! My tip is to try to pay cash. It helps me to control my spending better. Also don’t go to the store everytime you run out of something wait until you need to make a big trip.
I try to buy items that will cause an overage so I can get veggies and fruit.
Email subscriber
Facebook fan
Meal planning and coupons! Love your site! God bless!
I plan all my fruits and veggies around the sales that week. And I always price match other stores. We make our own salsa to cut down on the canned stuff. I also shop at Farmer’s Markets…I try and go at the end of the day/weekend, sometimes I get deals as the farmers are trying to get rid of product or slightly damaged goods.
Using coupons!
I eat well and spend less through the use of coupons….i’ve cut my grocery bill in half!
I have switched from a frozen breakfast sandwich to oatmeal with fruit. Much less expensive and saves me about 500 mg. of sodium per day. And it turns out you can microwave it just like the more expensive instant stuff in the packets.
One way we eat well and spend less is by menu planning.
I like you and Kroger on facebook.
Less processed food, more things from scratch- bread, salsa, refried beans…
I “Like” Kroger and Kingdom First!