Soccer Camp

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A love for soccer has not always been the norm for our family.

In fact, I didn’t know soccer was so popular until my nieces’ involvement in the sport peaked our attentions and got Abby Grace interested.

Well, her Daddy was interested. Abby could have cared less… at least in the beginning.

Abby’s first season was this Spring, and she was put on a team of students who have had at least 2 seasons of experience, possibly more. We were fortunately blessed with a fantastic coach whose patience with Abby was phenomenal.

Abby has since fallen in love with the sport, and has spent the last week participating in a 3-hour-per-night soccer camp with real British soccer coaches.

Add to the mix our little Reesey, who seems to be a natural for the sport.

So that has been our week… VBS from 8-12 in the morning, and soccer camp from 5-8 in the evenings. It’s never dull around here!

And speaking of not being dull, my husband will be taking a mission trip to Memphis this next week, and I have generously given him access to this website for his updates.

I know. I’m like the most awesome wife ever.

I ask that you all be in prayer for this trip. He is taking several of our students, as well as, quite a few adult sponsors.

He will also be driving the bus.

Am I going? Um, no. I do not want to leave the girls, and I don’t enjoy taking showers in portable showers. So we will be staying home.

{That awesome wife stuff might’ve just gone down the drain with that one…}

Is your summer starting off with a bang?


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