Yay for July

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Norton 4th of July

I am beyond thrilled that the month of July is here.

June was a very full month with soccer camp, VBS, mission trip, swim lessons, and Shane’s family vacation.

Now, there is a blissful multitude of “empty” days until we take the 40 minute trek to Falls Creek (aka, youth camp) the very last week.

I am looking forward to writing, working, and reading with my girls.

I also must get caught up on laundry (ick!).

To what are you looking forward this month?



  1. says

    What a wonderful picture! I hope your summer is filled with many blessings. We’re headed off into the woods for a time of active rest. I’m looking forward to it!

    Enjoy your holidays!

  2. says

    AWWWW Cute picture!!! I didn’t make it as far as you…got everyone in matching gear…but no picture…I wonder if it would count if I dressed everyone up and took a picture now???

    I’m looking forward to getting swim lessons, camp, and visiting family out of the way…lol….summer seems to be busier than during the year!

    • says

      Lol, this wasn’t MY doing. We were on vacation with my in-laws, and this is how they roll. You should see the big group picture! 😀 But, it would definitely count to get dressed up again and get a pic. No one will know 🙂

      I got your message. It has been beyond chaotic here the last several days, and I haven’t had time to breathe, let alone talk on the phone (blush). We are redoing the girls’ rooms (one is back to being my office), some church-related things have come up, and I am Stephanie for the next two weeks. Whew.

      Congrats on the new position! You will do a great job! And have fun with those swim lessons, camp, and visiting family 🙂 Hope you are feeling ok!

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