One of our friends recently had a baby, and as soon as I heard the name announced, I knew what special gift I wanted to make.
I purchased a cute little “C” (cute, since baby is a girl) and some mosaic gems and mirror tiles at Hobby Lobby. I also found the pretty cross, but wasn’t sure if I would like the cross on the letter or not.
Then, I just chose the gems and tiles I wanted and began fitting and hot gluing. Some of the pieces (not shown, even in the final picture because I forgot!) I “beat” with a hammer for a more smooth edge (rather than having the gems stick out passed the edge of the letter).
After the gems and mirror tiles set for a bit, I hot glued the cross to the letter. I had to fit in in just right, as some of the gems were different sizes. All in all, it was a very inexpensive (I spent less than $10) and easy to make gift, and one that was definitely well-received!
Our friend was delighted, as was I. In fact, I am quite tempted to make one for our new little one… as soon as I know if baby is a he or a she so I can choose the correct letter!
Lovely craft Amy, I’ll try to make some of these in future!