I have been dying to do CC with my kiddos ever since I heard Mandi rave about it, but CC was not in my area until very recently.
What is CC?
Classical Conversations is a Mission: The purpose of education is to know God and to make Him known.
The purpose of CC is to lead the home-centered education movement by equipping parents and students with the classical tools of learning needed to discover the order and beauty of God’s creation and to inspire others to do the same. Parents and families are supported through local CC communities, online communities, and more.
Classical Conversations is a Model: CC combines classical learning and a biblical worldview.
Classical Conversations’ programs model the three stages of classical learning — grammar (knowledge), dialectic (understanding), and rhetoric (wisdom). Using age appropriate methods, children are taught the tools for studying any subject.
The Classical model emphasizes mastery of facts during the early years. This gives students a foundation on which to build later learning and a solid framework where ideas can be categorized and compared as students mature.
Classical Conversations is a Method: In CC Communities, parents equip parents.
Classical Conversations Communities exist to complement home-centered education. Each community is facilitated by a trained parent-director, and classes are led by trained parent-tutors who model the classical tools of learning.
One thing I learned at this practicum is how much I already leaned toward the Classical Christan model of education.
Last Thursday through Saturday, the girls and I took a little trip to a Classical Conversations practicum.
So, this fall, the girls and I will spend two-and-a-half hours one day a week doing Foundations with other families in the community. This means I will be revamping our homeschool curriculum, which I will share with you soon.
I will also be sharing exactly why our family has chosen to homeschool over public school (contrary to popular belief, we don’t hate public schools or public school teachers). Believe it or not, my teaching classes in college are what turned me to homeschooling! I have never truly voiced why we do what we do, and I think that post is overdue.
One of the things I am most excited about concerning CC is the community. I have realized that I am more introverted than I used to be, and am content to stay home, rather than talk to people. CC comes with a community, and pushes me to actually get out and interact with other homeschool moms. I love that the girls will be able to spend time with other homeschooled children. Since homeschooling is nowhere near the norm around here, they never get the opportunity to interact with kids who school in a similar way. CC changes that.
While at the practicum, the older girls participated in Geo Camp, and Meleah in Play Camp. On Saturday, they had a little performance for us.
Amy this is great!! I wish there had been groups like this around when I homeschooled my girls. Enjoy!!!
Thank you, Apryl! We are so excited!
We had a blast at the practicum too!
Ack! Were you at the Double Oak one? Lol, how did I miss you?!?!