I don’t like Halloween. It has nothing to do with the religious aspects of the holiday, I simply do not like it. It’s a pain; a marketing ploy (just like Valentine’s Day). In fact, I refer to myself as the “Halloween Grinch.”
But, being the fabulous mother I am, I took the kiddos out and about to fill their bags with candy Wednesday night. All. By. Myself. (Shane had to work.)
The girls in their costumes. Cam slept through it all!
Before Cam was even born, my wonderful mother-in-law took it upon herself to get the girls’ costumes, freeing me from that hard task. She knows I don’t like Halloween, and I tend to wait until the last minute to mess with costumes. Our babysitter asked to paint the girls’ faces, so all I had to do was get them dressed and brush their hair to have them trick-or-treat-worthy. (I won’t go into the unpleasant experience of doing their hair while their brother screamed bloody murder because he wanted to eat. Poor kid didn’t understand we were on time limit!)
I am attributing much of the night’s success to my wonderful Moby Wrap
After feeding my little man, we made a few VERY early trips to some of our neighbors. I apologized, but in years past, we’ve hit their houses late, and they didn’t get to see the girls all dressed up. That is the main point of Halloween, right? Dressing up?
Then we went to both grandparents’ houses, and then hightailed it to town to hit the churches. We made it to one. By the time we got to our church, they were out of candy. Candy apparently goes pretty quickly in our small community, because I heard many people were completely out within 30 minutes.
All but two of the “crazy FBC staff kids”. One was too old for this kind of stuff and one was asleep. And yes, that is Bigfoot… he DOES exist! 😀
The girls were a little disappointed that that was the end of the candy fest, but soon got over it when they got to get fifty cent corn dogs at Sonic with the other staff kids. After Sonic, we came home, took a bath, and settled in to watch an episode of Duck Dynasty. All in all, it was a successful evening that even the Halloween Grinch enjoyed!
Our town doesn’t celebrate anything Halloween so it’s quite easy to ignore the ‘holiday’ altogether ;). Your girls in the costumes are precious, though. I just wanted to say beautiful new space! Love the design.
Miranda´s last blog post ..4 Years
I need to move to your town, Miranda! 😉 Thank you! I am so excited about my new look, too!
– Amy