One word has been spoken several times a day these last two months: Disney.
Yep, very soon, the Norton family will be heading to Walt Disney World in Florida to attend the Disney Social Media Moms conference. To say we are excited is an understatement. Let’s just say there have been random bursts of squee-ing. Possibly from me, but I’ll never tell. {wink}
This trip is a first for all of us except for Shane, who hasn’t been since he was around Abby Grace’s age. This trip will also be the first flights for the kiddos; our first flight as a family. I seriously cannot wait to experience all of these “firsts” with my girls.
Can I just take a moment to say how amazing Disney is? The Disney SM Moms Conference peeps (you can go follow them on twitter @DisneySMMoms and #DisneySMMoms. I’ll wait.) are awesome. We haven’t even left yet, and they are already spoiling us! Not only do they have fabulous things awaiting us, but we have already received some awesome goodies.
First, we get to see Merida (from Brave) get crowned as an official Disney Princess! Seriously. The girls went nuts when I told them. (An aside – I didn’t know any of the princesses had official crownings.) As a big fan of the princesses in general (Aurora from Sleeping Beauty is my fave… you can bet you will see a picture of Aurora and me. Just sayin’.), this is *awesome*.
Another word you will hear a lot in our house is awesome.
As I was saying, the Disney SM Moms is already spoiling us. Last week, everyone who is part of the conference received a surprise in the mail from American Tourister.
How gorgeous is that luggage?!
And yesterday, we came home to another surprise! Disney is releasing a new app called StoryBox, and they sent us a box full of items to create our own stories.
“With Story – an app that gathers the everyday moments captured on your iPhone and helps you transform them into stories that are easy to personalize, save and share.”
I love this idea! In fact, Shane looked at it and the first thing out of his mouth was, “This is great. I sure wish I’d thought of it!” {giggle}
To say we are gearing up for an unbelievable experience is {another} understatement. It didn’t seem real until our Magical Express tickets arrived.
Watch out, Disney… we are coming!
I’m so excited for you!!! You guys are going to have a BLAST!!!
Stephanie´s last blog post ..Milkshake Fake Out: Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie
Thanks, Steph! We are over the moon! 🙂
What is Disney SM moms?
Hi Ema! DisneySMMoms is short for the Disney Social Media Moms conference at Walt Disney World. 🙂
I have been thinking about you and the girls all day! Praying for smooth travels and lots of Disney fun for all. Have an absolute BLAST!
Thank you so much, sweet friend!