I’m not sure where to start.
As you know, last weekend, our family was blessed to attend the Disney Social Media Moms Conference at Walt Disney World in Orlando, Florida. Taking the girls to Disney has always been a dream of mine, but I had no idea we would be able to take them so soon.
Since receiving the official invitation in March, our house has been a flurry of activity. We didn’t wait too long to tell the girls, and created a scavenger hunt that gave them puzzle pieces that spelled out, “We are going to Disney”.
{photo by ShaneNorton on instagram}
Not only would this be our first trip to Disney (well, Shane went when he was about 8, so it’s been thirty years for him), but it would be our girls’ first time on an airplane as well. This was going to be the trip of all trips!
You can take a peek at my first Story showing us in the airport before leaving for Disney:
And if you think it couldn’t get any better, add to it getting to be up close and personal during Merida’s coronation, watching the sneak peek of Disney’s Monster’s University, and being carted around like you are “someone”, PLUS doing it with your best friends.
l-r: Mandi, me, Amy, Shannon, Amy, & Jen {photo by Shannon’sTable}
These girls. They are some of my very best friends, and being able to spend the weekend with them and their families was incredibly amazing. I really have no words.
And, I got to take a picture with my favorite princess, Aurora from Sleeping Beauty. Aurora will always be my favorite, but Merida is definitely a close second.
There is more to come, as I have a ton of stuff to share with you that won’t fit in one post!
Disclosure: I attended the Disney Social Media Moms Conference and received discounted rates, accommodations, and tickets to various events and attractions. All opinions are mine, all mine.
It was such a HUGE blessing to get to hang out with your family. We loved every single one of you!
Jennifer´s last blog post ..A Magical Disney Adventure Begins
Same here, Jen! We are SO thankful for amazing friends and their fantastic families!