It was never really a question of whether or not Cam would accompany us on this trip. Besides the fact that he was still nursing all the time, we refused to take a family trip without our entire family. I would not want to look back at the pictures from our first experience at Disneyland (or Walt Disney World, for that matter) and have one of my babies missing.
Would leaving our little man behind be easier kid-wise? Sure. Three kids that can walk versus an 18-month-old who needs a stroller, diaper changes, his Momma, and can’t talk? Disneyland minus a toddler who likes to run around would definitely be easier. But I can guarantee our trip would not have been near as fun without him.
Riding the carrousel alone… like a big boy. And then not wanting to get off!
Other than the fact I would have needed to nurse. Beyond missing him like crazy and being 1500 miles away from him. I know some families choose to leave baby at home – and that’s okay for them. It wasn’t for us.
Cam in Cars Land.
Cam loved Disneyland. He enjoyed everything about it: the sights, the sounds (well… except for the fireworks!), the people, the food, the characters, the rides. Oh, how he loved the rides. It was so much fun to sit with him and watch him take in the colors, movements, and sounds associated with the rides. He would sit in the seat next to me; no lap for this big boy! He was not having that at all! Cam wore his “serious” expression, his eyes moving from side to side, trying to take everything in.
He loved It’s A Small World.
Was he scared? Nope. Not even during the beginning of the Haunted Mansion when it gets a bit loud. He loved flying in Peter Pan and Dumbo; riding Snow White, Winnie the Pooh, Pinocchio, It’s a Small World, Mad Tea Party, and The Haunted Mansion. He enjoyed running around A Bug’s Life. And King Arthur’s Carrousel. We could not walk by that thing without him straining to get a better look and yelling, “Horse!” Oh, and throwing a fit if we didn’t go right then.
Cam charmed the princesses!
Were there challenges? Sure! Navigating a stroller – even a small umbrella one – through the crowds is no easy feat. We had a few meltdowns when we stayed out too late; after all, we were two hours behind what we were used to. There was one night I carried him through one park and then Downtown Disney and finally up to the room… and he sobbed the entire time. It happens. Cam wasn’t the only one to have a meltdown, though; one child in particular had more than her brother did.
Playing Peek-A-Boo with Fawn from Tinkerbell.
There were several rides Cam could not ride, so one of us would have to sit out. Most of the time the parent left behind did not wait too long for the rest of the party to emerge, but one afternoon got particularly long and hot. We dealt with it by playing games in the shade. And as for the waiting parent – he or she got to use the Rider Switch pass when the first parent finished the ride, so no one missed out.
And let’s not forget instant gratification. The lines (which actually weren’t that long) felt like eons to this little guy who wanted on immediately. Ha!
Cam’s protest after getting off of a ride.
To be honest, the main upsets he “suffered” were when we disembarked a ride. Cam did not want to get off the ride, he wanted to go again, and he was ready and willing to let anyone and everyone around him know he was unhappy. It was pretty hilarious. After one such time, he even staged a protest outside the ride.
Completely worn out at the end of our last day.
We got to see Disneyland through the eyes of our baby boy. And I would not trade those memories for anything.
If you have a baby/toddler, and you are contemplating a trip to one of the Disney parks, I encourage you to take him or her with you. You will not regret it. It is a special experience like none other!
Such a cutie! My husband and I had promised ourselves that we wouldn’t take our son to Disney until he was 5. We broke down and took him when he was 2, and we’re so glad we did. The look on his face when he first saw the characters was something we’ll never forget. He looked at Tigger in surprise and wonder, then dashed over and started bouncing with him.
Melissa´s last blog post ..May I Have Your Attention, Please!
Ohhhh, I love this, Melissa! Thank you for sharing! <3