Welcome to Day 1 of my 2014 #Write31Days journey! If you are new here, you can read a little more about me in the sidebar. 😉
I figured the best place to get started in taking better care of myself is with Jesus. Time with Him is so important, and I know I feel better on the days I’ve spent time in His Word, than the days I do not. (Notice, I did not say my days go more smoothly.)
Yes, this pastor’s wife leaves something to be desired when she says she doesn’t always take time for God. One thing you will find with me is that I am a work-in-progress, and if you are looking for perfection, you will be sorely disappointed!
The first way I am taking care of my spirit is by beginning each day reading in the One Year Bible app. I have started before, but I didn’t finish. I decided to start over, and I think I’m about thirty days in. I like how this Bible app splits up the reading into a few chapters in the Old Testament, a few chapters in the New Testament, a bit from Psalm, and a few verses in Proverbs every day.
On October 6, I will start an additional Bible study with Hello Mornings. This will be my first time doing a Bible study as an online group, and I am really excited. I hope to share some of what I’m learning in that study in this forum.
I’m also not very mindful in my prayer time, and I would like to rectify that. I’m good at calling out to God when I need something, but not “bothering” Him when it is “something I can handle.” I’m one of those who does a lot simply because it’s easier to do myself. I’m hoping focusing on that for thirty-one days is going to change some of those bad habits!
If you would like to follow along on my #write31days challenge, you can subscribe via email or feed. To follow along on others’ #write31days journeys, visit Write31Days.com.
photo credit (top): Marce Mendez Campos via photopin cc
photo credit: A Guy Taking Pictures via photopin cc
Love this, Amy!!! I look forward to following along with this series. Yep, the best place to start is with JESUS!
Leslie´s last blog post ..Growing in Godliness:: 31 Day Series