Welcome to Day 6 of my 2014 #Write31Days journey! If you are new here, you can read a little more about me in the sidebar. If you are still with me, bless you. And thanks!
I’m a morning person. I do my best, most productive work in the hours between 5 and 7. I love coffee, but I don’t need the coffee to wake up or stay awake. I just like the taste. Shane brews fresh-ground coffee beans in the French press for me every morning. I love having a warm cup beside me while I read and work.
I am really not crazy. I just talked about needing more sleep, and now I’m working on getting up earlier to do my Bible, laundry, and computer work. Just wait until I share about exercising.
My early-rising days have been few and far-between the last two years, as I’ve woken up a lot with Cam. Before that, I would be up every morning at 5 and get most of my computer work done before the girls hopped out of bed. It was so nice, and I am ready to get back into that routine. I don’t mind working while the kids are up, I would just prefer not to, as any interruption causes me to lose my place. It’s better for me to think and write when I’m all alone. This makes everyone happier, as I’m less grumpy with little to no interruptions, versus many.
I love the mornings where I can get up, start a load of laundry and sit in the quiet with my Bible and coffee. These days don’t go perfectly by any means, but I have a much better day when I can start it with quiet.
On this particular morning, I was up at 5, but it was storming quite loudly, which woke up Cam. He was very upset, and needed some Momma lovin’, so we snuggled and I didn’t get out of bed until 6.
Today was the first day of our Hello Mornings Bible study, so I was really excited to get up today! Other than my timing, the morning started out quite peaceful and I accomplished a lot. Reese got up about 7:30, so other than Shane, I had the house all to myself. Now, if clothes would only stain-stick themselves, I’d be good. Ha!
One of my biggest goals this month is to get back into my morning routine!
Do you have a morning routine?
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photo credit (top): Kuzeytac via photopin cc
photo credit: A Guy Taking Pictures via photopin cc
Early bird gets the worm?! Possibly. I find that if I rise early my day is just better all around.
Leslie´s last blog post ..Day 6 | We Got to Pray
I agree!
I am not at all a morning person! On the rare days I do manage to get up early, I know that I get a ton done, but that doesn’t happen often. I’m a night owl. So is hubby. So are the kids. I realize that this just takes a little (or a lot!) of discipline to correct, but my husband commonly works in the evening and often has late nights so this schedule works for us. I love coffee, too! I don’t need the caffeine, either, but the hot cup helps me wake up. I’m afraid to read your upcoming exercise post. That is one area I have been lacking in discipline lately.
Heather @ My Overflowing Cup´s last blog post ..31 Things I Thank God For
I think we all need to work with our bodies. If we function better at night, and that is what works for our families, I say go for it! My husband is an early-riser, and I don’t like to be up late at night alone, so what works best for that is for me to get up early. Shane can fall asleep at the drop of a hat, and every time he tries to stay up with me, he’s out. Ha!