My Morning Bible Study {31 Days of Self-Care}

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Welcome to Day 9 of my 2014 #Write31Days journey! If you are new here, you can read a little more about me in the sidebar. ;)

I’m used to doing studies on my own, for the most part, so this sharing my notes from a Bible study with my group on Twitter is new to me. And, amazingly enough, I like it!

My Morning Bible Study | #write31days

What I like more than the group is the Bible study. Right now, we are in Matthew studying the life and ministry of Jesus. The study consists of one chapter per day, with a few short, discussion questions. I like the group aspect of it, because we all read it a bit differently, and it is interesting to read other people’s takes on the same Scripture. I also like the fact that the group is online, and I can share from my recliner!

Part of the point of Hello Mornings is to learn to begin your morning – whenever that is – in quiet time with Jesus; to preface your day with the One who blessed you with it. The plan seems to be geared toward busy moms, and while there aren’t a lot of guidelines, there are a few expectations. I like the accountability of it. (Psst… this is my group: meet HMCShine!)

Along with the Hello Mornings study, I am continuing in the Bible in One Year. I’ll be honest… I have been reading more than one day some days. When I have a bit of extra time, I like to read another day or two. Sometimes when I’m putting Cam down I’ll get an extra day in, as well.

I also noticed The Confident Mom is starting a book study on The Best Yes by Lisa Terkeurst. It begins October 16, which is before my Matthew/Hello Mornings Bible study is over, but I’ve been wanting to read this book for awhile, so I may add it to my list, especially since she is going through it on her blog.

One final thing we have implemented is reading the Bible with the girls at the breakfast table. Some mornings, the girls are still in bed before Shane leaves for work, but most mornings they are awake. Rather than waiting until the evening for Bible reading, we are beginning the day with it. Shane will read from Proverbs, or I will share some of the verses from that morning’s study. It is great because they are all ears first thing in the morning.

So far, so good on getting out of bed in the morning!

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photo credit: A Guy Taking Pictures via photopin cc


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