So, I’m a little late posting this. The last couple of weeks have been wild for our family. An unexpected hospitalization for an extended family member, and a last-minute substitute tutoring for me, plus the holiday and volleyball games wore us all down!
September 9 was the first day of our fourth year of Classical Conversations, and the first day in our new community. We did not move, our former community actually grew so large, we expanded into two new ones, with most of us attending communities a bit closer to home. It wasn’t any closer for us, but it’s in the opposite direction of the former. We have a very nice church and facilities to use, so we are blessed!
Cam has a very hard time adjusting to new circumstances, places, and people, so his first day wasn’t without a few tears. Week 2 in the nursery went a bit better; no tears, just a very sad boy. He always perks up after a bit, though (thankfully, because it is heartbreaking for this momma to leave her little boy when he so badly wants to stay with her… it is good for him to try new things though.), and the nursery workers said he couldn’t have been better.
Our Essentials tutor had her baby the Monday evening before we began on Wednesday, and I am her sub. I also took care of Week 2 and will be tutoring Week 3 as well. I’m thankful for a friend who is our former Essentials tutor, and her willingness to share notes with this incredibly new newbie. It does help having two years of Essentials under my belt (as a parent), but oh my, it is SO different being the one sharing the material, rather than simply taking notes! Fortunately, all of the parents have extended me much grace… and there are only a few veteran Essentials moms in the class, so the new ones don’t know any different. Ha! 😉 Kidding…. sort of.
This is Reese’s first year in Essentials, and she absolutely loves it. Abby Grace, of course, enjoys every second. This is her third tour through, so she’s an old hat at it. I love that she loves Essentials – and sentence diagramming – as much as her momma!
Meleah is much more confident when giving presentations. I am so proud of her! No more climbing the walls (literally).
It’s going to be a great year in CC! I can’t wait to see what is in store.
Sounds like y’all are off to a great start!
LuAnn Braley´s last blog post ..The Best Classroom May Not Be a Room – #septemberchallenge #NaBloPoMo
Hope you will have great time in new community.
Regards Ethan Hall
Ethan Hall´s last blog post ..The Best Health Products Online 2025