We’ve come a long way from wipes warmers! I remember when we were pregnant with Abby Grace, and practically bought out Babies R Us. We had allthethings.
Thankfully, we can get by with fewer things now, and it isn’t because we already have them… it’s because we realized all of that stuff is pretty unnecessary.
I’m finishing up this little series with my favorite products for after baby is home.
Aden + Anais Swaddle Blankets – These swaddle blankets are the best thing ever. You know that burrito-swaddle-thing for which labor and delivery nurses are so famous? Yeah, that is actually possible with these swaddlers! You can achieve it in the comfort of your own home. Ha! These also make wonderful nursing covers, as they are really big. They are made of muslin, so they’re not hot for you or baby. Love, love, love these!
Rock-n-Play Sleeper – This is his little napper for during the day. I like laying him down while I work with the girls and on my own stuff. It has a vibrate setting, and you can manually rock it. There are more expensive ones that rock by themselves.
Arms Reach Co-Sleeper – A co-sleeper is another new purchase for us. We needed a safe place for Lincoln to sleep, and something that would work for a baby who nurses practically all night long. We tried a crib with Cam, and it was more work than anything, so we are trying out this co-sleeper. So far, I like it, even if L spends more time at night in my arms than in the co-sleeper!
WubbaNub Pacifier – This has been a huge help when Lincoln has tummy problems and wants to suck, but does not want more milk. I introduced this a little earlier than I had planned, but we are using only when he is very unsettled… and that’s really the only time he will take it. The animal attached to the pacifier helps it be easily found, which is great in the middle of the night!
Diva Milano Mei Tai – A friend has this baby carrier, and I love the way it looks and feels. It’s easier than a Moby, and even though Cam and I loved the Moby, Lincoln was not having it. This particular Mei Tai is a nice cross between a structured carrier and a wrap. It is incredibly easy to use!
After-Birth Oils Combo: 10 drops Frankincense, 10 drops Lavender, 10 drops Myrrh, and 2 drops Rose added to an empty 5 ml bottle. Fill the rest of the way with olive oil. I will put a drop of this in my hand, along with more olive oil, and carefully massage it over Lincoln’s chest and the top of his head when he is fussy and right before bed.
Olive Oil – Fill a 1-oz bottle with an eye dropper cap with plain olive oil and apply to baby’s bum after every diaper change until baby is no longer producing meconium. This makes wiping off the meconium much easier! This is a tip I received from my birthing assistant, and it works quite well!
BONUS: Amazon Prime members… when you create a baby registry, Amazon will give you 15% off selected baby items! We got 15% off our co-sleeper, car seat (!!!), diaper covers, baby swing, and more! You will have to check out with everything at one time to use the discount, as it is a one-time-use. Woo-hoo!!!
Other posts in the series: My Favorites for Pregnancy, Labor & Delivery, and Post-Partum.
It is a great list indeed. Keep sharing such awesome baby care ideas… Will opt some from your list. Thanks!