I love having my kids in the kitchen with me. I currently have a 4-year-old, 8-year-old, 10-year-old, and 12-year-old, so they have varying degrees of skill and knowledge in the kitchen.
One of the skills that is incredibly important is how to safely handle knives! I love this free video series from Katie Kimball on knife-handling skills. There’s one to watch with your kids that will demonstrate how to safely handle dull and sharp knives (you decide which on depending on their age and maturity), and then there are two more training videos for YOU to help you feel completely comfortable and confident giving your kids sharp knives.
I know some parents might feel like they need 3 or 4 chances to feel comfortable, but I’m confident you’ll be ready after the two important “adult only” videos Katie is putting together for you.
Don’t worry if you feel like you have a busy day or week. This link will give you access to all 3 videos as soon as they’re each available, and you’ll get reminders to make it happen through Nov. 2.
Thanksgiving is coming up, so now is the perfect time to get your kiddos using knives and feeling comfortable in the kitchen!
Oh, and if you have younger ones, you might want to check out these kid-safe knives. I have a set and love them!
Thanks for sharing wonderful tips!