Ahhhh, the memories... … [Read more...]
Huggies or Pampers Diapers – $5/package on Diapers.com
I've had kids in diapers for five years now, so you know I'm always looking out for great deals. Our girls have never been able to wear the "off" brand of diapers (except the Target brand... go figure!), because they cause bottoms to break out. So, … [Read more...]
Stealing Baby Snuggles
Baby M has been battling a stomach virus for 2 days, and I have to say it hasn't been all bad. Oh, sure it's been messy. Both M and I have changed clothes several times due to her um, bug. But, oh the baby snuggles I have been stealing! The joy I … [Read more...]
Friday Fail: Peanut Butter and Milk
So, at my house, I do not give my girls peanut butter until they are at least 2 years old {I have allergy phobias, so I am over-cautious}. A & R eat peanut butter all. the. time. They love it. Little M is not old enough for it yet, but she … [Read more...]
Striving to Blog with Relevance and Authenticity: 2010 Goals
I am truly excited for what the year 2010 holds for my family and my blog. I had NO idea what 2009 held in store for me; I could not have dreamed how amazing it would be! 2010 is so full of possibilities and opportunities! I really cannot wait to see … [Read more...]