An emergency fund is an account that is used to set aside funds to be used in an emergency. The purpose of the fund is to improve financial security by creating a safety net of funds that can be used to meet emergency expenses as well as reduce … [Read more...]
Thinking Ahead with Life Insurance
Life insurance. It is supposed to take care of your family after your death, right? You hear a lot about life insurance, and the need for it on television, but what exactly does life insurance do for you? Is it really necessary? Is having a life … [Read more...]
Thinking Ahead: Prepare for the Future with a Will
No one likes to think about death. The thing is, the death rate is 100 percent; one day, each of us will die. What happens so many times, is people are not prepared for death, or the death of a loved one. "Think Ahead Thursday" will be tips, … [Read more...]
New Year’s Resolution: Getting your finances in order
It is a week into the new year, and hopefully all of those resolutions and goals you made are still going strong. One of the areas that I am getting in order is the area of my finances. Online Bill Pay I really love paying my bills online, and … [Read more...]
Striving to Blog with Relevance and Authenticity: 2010 Goals
I am truly excited for what the year 2010 holds for my family and my blog. I had NO idea what 2009 held in store for me; I could not have dreamed how amazing it would be! 2010 is so full of possibilities and opportunities! I really cannot wait to see … [Read more...]