Mr. Cam celebrated his first Christmas, and it was a white Christmas! White Christmases don't come around Oklahoma too often, so this was a nice, slippery surprise. We tend to have more ice than snow, but managed to get enough to play in. We still … [Read more...]
December Photo-a-Day {Day 13}
You can follow my photos on Instagram or Twitter. You can also join in the fun! If you Instagram or tweet your photo, be sure to use the hash tag #EmbracingDecember. … [Read more...]
2 Months
Last Friday marked Cam's two month birthday. At his checkup, he weighed 13 and a half pounds. Little man is a chunker! He is sleeping 4 to 5 hours at a time at night, but still wants to eat every two hours during the day. He sleeps on a Nap … [Read more...]
Dance Recital {Wordless Wednesday}
Last Monday, Abby Grace and Meleah had their dance recital. It was entertaining, to say the least! Abby is my little perfectionist, and made sure she got every step right. Meleah... well Meleah started the evening off by running through the … [Read more...]
Um, “Happy” Halloween
I don't like Halloween. It has nothing to do with the religious aspects of the holiday, I simply do not like it. It's a pain; a marketing ploy (just like Valentine's Day). In fact, I refer to myself as the "Halloween Grinch." But, being the … [Read more...]