I just realized I forgot to share a picture of the girls in their Halloween costumes. I know you were all wondering about it. Meet our little Leopard, Alice in Wonderland, Mario (as himself), and the Cowgirl. … [Read more...]
Balancing Family, Faith, (Home) Learning, and Natural Living
I just realized I forgot to share a picture of the girls in their Halloween costumes. I know you were all wondering about it. Meet our little Leopard, Alice in Wonderland, Mario (as himself), and the Cowgirl. … [Read more...]
Shane, his parents, and I took the girls to the hay maze on Tuesday, and we had so much fun! This place had tons of stuff to do... and it was so inexpensive. I love locals who care more about having something safe and fun for kids and not … [Read more...]
Fresh out of the bath, dressed in matching pajamas! … [Read more...]
By Amy 2 Comments
At least that is what she claims she wants to be! … [Read more...]