It's been one of those days. Heck, it's been one of those weeks (for a few weeks in a row... ha!). This evening, as I sat at my desk working, while Abby Grace colored, I mentioned that I was hungry because I had missed supper. I was about to … [Read more...]
My baby is two years old today. I'm still in awe over how time has flown. At least she still lets me rock her to sleep. … [Read more...]
Snack Time…
Meleah and I had an afternoon to ourselves today. We ate a snack, giggled, snuggled, and chatted for a few hours. It was bliss. I love spending one-on-one time with my girls. … [Read more...]
If you follow my personal Facebook or Whrrl pages, then you have already seen these pictures. If not, well... enjoy! … [Read more...]
Fun on the Fourth
July 4th is truly one of my very favorite holidays.It takes a lot to make me cry, but just remembering those who have given their lives for my freedom gets me all teary-eyed.This year's bonus was that our Nation's Independence was celebrated on a … [Read more...]