I love these people! Linked to: Wordless Wednesday and Its a Blog Party! … [Read more...]
Balancing Family, Faith, (Home) Learning, and Natural Living
By Amy 7 Comments
I love these people! Linked to: Wordless Wednesday and Its a Blog Party! … [Read more...]
By Amy 13 Comments
If I were honest with myself, I would title this, "This is what happens when you let your kids run around the house and pretend like you don't hear them messing with stuff they aren't supposed to be messing with." Or something along those … [Read more...]
After she spilled a glass of water all over me...Unhealthy, but tasty...Waiting...Yes, we had pancakes again {don't hate...}Family favorites, and must-readsI ran out of printer ink... not good when you have coupons to print! … [Read more...]
We're over halfway through! Not happy with school...My very favorite flower... At my parents' home...Skirt from a dear friend Mmmm... homemade friesLate supper... after the kiddos were in bed {blush} … [Read more...]