Seriously, is there anything better than playing outside in the beautiful Spring air? linked to 5 Minutes for Mom … [Read more...]
Balancing Family, Faith, (Home) Learning, and Natural Living
By Amy 5 Comments
Seriously, is there anything better than playing outside in the beautiful Spring air? linked to 5 Minutes for Mom … [Read more...]
By Amy 3 Comments
Our family has a new addition. He does not live with us, but the girls would like him too. They call him their big brother. All three obviously adore him. So do Shane and I. The girls new "big brother" is a blessing, and definitely a finer … [Read more...]
By Amy 7 Comments
Her toy of choice {besides a ball} {She had to be "touching" my laptop at all times. Weird, I know.} Gah, she's growing up so fast! I love it, but oh how it hurts! … [Read more...]
By Amy 10 Comments
I have mentioned before about M's love for obsession with stools. No matter where we are, if there is a stool, M will find it. Linked to WW at 5 Minutes for Mom … [Read more...]
By Amy 2 Comments
How did my night go? Why, thank you for asking! I'll be glad to tell you how our night went. I tweeted this last night early this morning: Sandwiched b/t 2 girls that sleep in funny directions. May not get much sleep but I will cherish every … [Read more...]