Wordless Wednesday: The New Sonic Playground

Our small town has had a Sonic for as long as I can remember (big surprise, when the headquarters for Sonic reside in our great state). I am addicted to love their Cokes. Hubby likes their Sweet Tea. Great. Now I'm thirsty. Anyway, we now … [Read more...]
Top Ten Tuesday: The (Old) Superman Edition

My adorable girls, ages 5 and 3.5, have recently become obsessed with entranced by the Superman movies. As in, the ones starring Christoper Reeves. Yes, my girls love the "Man of Steel." Why, you ask? Well, here are my girls' top ten faves from … [Read more...]
Homemade Cake for M’s Birthday Party

I LOVE baking and cooking, but I am NO artist! Regardless of my artistic abilities, I decided to make, bake, and decorate my little M's first birthday cake. I use this fabulous white cake recipe from The Joy of Baking. I also made the yummy … [Read more...]
My BABY is ONE Today!

It was one year ago, today, that my sweet #3 graced us with her presence in this world. Meleah Faye Estelle was born at 8:00 am on Wednesday, September 3, 2008. You can read her birth story here (please keep in mind, that it was one of my first … [Read more...]