... I was pregnant with my third daughter. It was one year ago that I went to the hospital to get ready for my 6 am induction. I had the nursery all ready and waiting. I still cannot believe it has been almost an entire year since my sweet #3 … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday – Playing in the Rain
This post is linked to Wordless Wednesday at 5 Minutes for Mom. … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday – Flowergirl Edition
A (right) was the flowergirl in a wedding this weekend. Dancin' with Daddy (the pastor, lol!) … [Read more...]
Total Randomness…
Here is the last week in my life... in one nifty 'lil post. Friday, May 22, our "daughter" (as in, not-really-our-daughter-but-we-think-of-her-as-one-anyway) Ada graduated from high school. I may not be her birth mother, but there wasn't any mom … [Read more...]
My "baby's" fifth birthday
It does not seem like it has been five years since I gave birth to my sweet Abby Grace. FIVE years! She weighed 7 lbs, 14 oz (or as my DH put it to one person: 14 lbs, 7 oz!), and was 21" long. She had beautiful blue eyes and a smidge of dark … [Read more...]