Cam turned 8 months old last Thursday. He is now weighing 23 pounds! He is trying to crawl and will push up on all fours and rock back and forth. This momma is not ready for a crawling baby! He barely has time to snuggle now as it is, and I … [Read more...]
Camper {Wordless Wednesday}
My oldest is going to Children's Church Camp for the first time this year. This momma's heart is not ready for all of this "big kid" stuff! … [Read more...]
What Memorial Day Means to Us
The Memorial Day holiday is an important time for our family. Sometime over the three-day weekend, we make a very special visit. Shane's Gran served in World War II. Gran did not die in the War, but he is no longer with us. He never got to meet … [Read more...]
Old School {Wordless Wednesday}
Cam kickin' it old school in his Daddy's Superman tee! … [Read more...]
Ella Reese’s Birth Story {March 19, 2006}
I wasn’t blogging when Abby Grace was born (or when Reese was born, for that matter!), but I wanted to share both of their birth stories. I love reading birth stories and I love sharing mine! While there are so many things I would go back and change … [Read more...]