Get Organized with the SavvyCents Wallet #30daygive {Giveaway}

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Are you frugal? A fan of the cash only system, maybe? Do you like pretty things? If you answered yes to any of those questions, you are going to love our next sponsor! SavvyCents Savvycents was first formed in January of 2009 after Melinda … [Read more...]

How to Organize Your Home with Labels: Homeshool

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This is the second in a series called An Organized Home. You will want to start at the beginning, with How to Organize Your Home with Labels. With the new year of homeschooling well under way in our home, it is nice to have all of our supplies … [Read more...]

Using Time Effectively in the Shower {Seriously}

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Before you spit your afternoon cup o' joe all over your computer screen, I'm not talking about scrubbing body parts in this post. I promise, it is safe to read :D I know many of you moms out there have mastered the art of a five-minute-or-less … [Read more...]

How to Organize Your Home with Labels

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I {heart} labels. I'm sure you are all well aware of that fact now, but I feel it is important to preface a new series with the truth. Hello, my name is Amy, and I am a label addict. Whew! Now that the the air is cleared, we can begin. One of … [Read more...]

Top Ten Organizational Favorites #toptentues

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I am a true organizing junkie. I like everything in it's place. I am constantly re-arranging, trying to find the best place or way to store things. Right now I am working on an organizational series, An Organized Home, where I will introduce … [Read more...]