Things I Love: My Label Maker{s}

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Yes, "label maker" is plural; I have more than one. And a very unhealthy addiction to all things label-y. But my life would not be complete without either one of my pretty little friends, Brother #1 and Brother #2. Why does one need more than … [Read more...]

Find a Laundry Solution that Works

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As I write this, I am buried under mounds of dirty clothes.  We only have 5 people in our house, so it's kind of crazy that I get behind so often and so quickly. Being behind on laundry might have something to do with my aversion to the … [Read more...]

What to do when your consignment items do not sell

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Two weeks ago, I spent a few hours (okay, maybe several hours) hanging, ironing Downy-spraying, and tagging 72 clothing items for the children's consignment sale I was participating in.  One week ago, I drove 2 hours to OKC to volunteer my time at … [Read more...]

Frugal Tuesday – The Importance of being Organized

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Organization. The word alone can strike fear in the hearts of many.  It can cause an increase heart rate (and possible salivation) for the Type-A set. Being organized is no longer just for the Type-A, anal, and OCD  (like myself); anyone can be a … [Read more...]