Forgiveness is hard. Period. I struggle with forgiving others because, many times in my mind, the person who has wronged me does not deserve my forgiveness. Pretty harsh, huh? But, that is our human nature... it is not in us to automatically dish … [Read more...]
Ministry Monday: Forgive for Yourself
Last week, was an overview and introduction to the mini-series Learning to Forgive. The first step in forgiveness is to forgive for yourself. When someone has wronged you, it is easy to become embittered towards him or her. This person can do … [Read more...]
Ministry Monday – Learning to Forgive, part 1

Forgiveness. Wikipedia defines forgiveness as, "the process of concluding resentment, indignation or anger as a result of a perceived offense, difference or mistake, and/or ceasing to demand punishment or restitution. Forgiveness has been on my … [Read more...]
Ministry Monday: Live like you were dying
Begin with witty sarcasm. You know, it is actually quite funny that I titled my post "Live like you were dying;" because that song wore on my last nerve. I mean, I loved it's message, but ugh! It was played All. The. Time. And while I'm not … [Read more...]
Ministry Monday: Loving your neighbors
We are a busy society. We always have something going on, and when we have a free moment, most of us think about sitting down (or just breathing!). Our thoughts do not generally drift toward our neighbors or those in need. So, who is defined as … [Read more...]