Oh, bloggy world, I have missed you. My weekend was non-stop, thanks in part to my sister, the Californian, visiting for the first time. Of course, I managed to work in some frugal shopping in between our outings.
Garage Sale Success!
What fun. We all piled in the car after loading up on coffee (yes, my favorite kind) and headed to a nearby community event.
Our very first stop, we struck gold. I love the little ways that God provides. Hubby and I had been discussing buying a wheelbarrow all week since our backyard needs some serious attention. But, I could not stand the thought of paying retail, so we waited. There she was. She was a little dirty, and perhaps neglected, but the $5 price tag made her the perfect fit.
Who knew that a simple wheelbarrow could provide so much frugal family fun? Thank you, Lord!
Another great find:
This beauty looks brand new and only set me back $2!! These have got to be one of the greatest inventions of all time.
We also found a couple of cute children’s books, a movie, and some various other items that cost maybe $3 total. My favorite find of the day:
I thought this little canister would look just perfect in my bathroom, and it does! Note: I very rarely buy any sort of knick-knack, unless I absolutely love it. This treasure cost me 50 cents!
After our successful garage sale adventure, we headed over to Payless shoes. My sis’ promised her niece a new pair of shoes, since her feet seem to grow faster than my hair. Lucky Sara, Payless was having their famous BOGO 1/2 off sale, so she came home with 2 new pairs! Aren’t they cute?
After leaving Payless, I desperately needed to find a ladies room. Unfortunately, the nearest one was next door inside Super Target. Some of you know I have a strict no-Target rule which I imposed on myself not long ago. But, I had no choice! Into Target I went to use the facilities, family in tow. I must confess, I did browse around for a few minutes. That old familiar feeling bubbled up inside me all too quickly. Something about Target just lures me to those clearance racks. Thankfully, hubby was getting hungry so he cut me off. I am proud to report that I walked out of Target without spending one cent!! (patting myself on back)
We enjoyed a wonderful lunch of Chinese food and went home to relax. Actually, I snuck in a trip to CVS during Leah’s nap, he he.
Overall, I think my California sis’ got a good dose of Texas culture. Today we did a little sight-seeing, since the weather was just perfect. She leaves tomorrow, and I will miss her!
Don’t you just LOVE yard sales? Here in Virginia (mountains=no tornados), “Saleing” season is just getting into full swing and I am LOVING it! Thanks for sharing your great buys!